Reasons for the appointment of Ruffini, the first lay leader of the dicastery


His father Attilio, anti-fascist and early Christian Christian, was minister on several occasions. His great-uncle, originally from Mantua, was archbishop of Palermo of pontifical appointment and member of the Sacred College from 1945 to 1967 . Paolo Ruffini, married, journalist and director of radio and television (Rai3 and Tv2000) at the request of Pope Francis first lay leader of a dicastery of the Roman Curia. The Dicastery for Communication, of which Ruffini was appointed Prefect, is a new reality that brings together and coordinates all the editorial, informative, communicative and multimedia realities of the Holy See with what was once the Pontifical Council for Social Communications .

With the appointment of Ruffini at the head of a Vatican Dicastery of the most important – in terms of the number of people employed – a whole new step is being made in the history of the Holy See, who until now had been secular in the apical functionaries only the current commissioner of the vice president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, Professor Guzman Carriquiry, already number three of the & fonctionnaires & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & former Pontifical Council for the Laity. For the first time, therefore, a married man, not a bishop or priest, badumes a role comparable to that of the Cardinals and Archbishops in chief-dicastery, that is to say "ministers" of the pope and his collaborators at the Curia.

What are the reasons for Francesco's decision? The Pope knew and appreciated the work of the new Prefect during the years he spent in Tv2000 (Ruffini himself, with Lucio Brunelli, director of television news of bishops, had interviewed the Pope Francis on the occasion of the closing of the great Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, in November 2016. Ruffini's program speaks for itself: journalist, television expert, he was the director of Rai3 during the years when the third Italian public television network produced programs of superior quality (it is sufficient to recall the Great History) .The capacity and competence in the communicative domain are therefore known and recognized

The characteristic the most hidden, because she is known only to those who have the opportunity to work with Ruffini, is her ability to listen to and value everyone, including and without ever exclude the unmistakable human trait of a transparent person : it is not a coincidence that at noon on July 5, 2018, when the appointment to the Vatican was made public, several collaborators, journalists and technicians burst into tears in the studies of Tv2000 .

The Vatican media are experiencing a difficult transition: the path of reform undertaken by the previous prefect, Monsignor Dario Edoardo Viganò – who resigned following the incident of the letter of Benedict XVI, made only partially known , but maintained by Francesco with the role of "counselor" in the dicastery – still needs to be accomplished. There was no lack of tension and misunderstanding. The arrival of a person who has found himself everywhere in a position of responsibility has allowed all his collaborators to work well, valuing the skills of each one represents an important choice, to years -light of the corporate mentality and functionalist sometimes it seems to affect the Church when she pursues the major majors models and ends up taking for granted the content of what she communicates.

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