Record year for 730 budget peace risks pre-compiled on scrapping


On the old tax debts the Italians continue to act cautiously to seize the opportunity to pay less, to be flashed by the new majority of the government, but they become more confident with the new tools of the "friendly tax", from the pre-completed income statement. Two weeks after the expiry of the deadline of 730 drafted by the Inland Revenue, scheduled on July 23, there are already 2.3 million Italians who sent the declaration of 2017 revenues. They are already 17% more, compared to the same period last year, and badumed that last year's record breaking 2.4 million pre-filled returns sent electronically, regardless , by individual contributors. Since the beginning, taxpayers who have used the pre-compiled have increased steadily: from 1.4 million in 2015, to 2.1 million in 2016, to 2.4 in 2017.

3.4% of excluded applications

Meanwhile, the definition of scrapping "bis" tax badessments comes into play. As of May 15, about 950,000 applications for membership have been collected. Unacceptable applications were just 32 thousand, or 3.4%. The expected business figure of 2 billion euros, 1.6 billion this year and 400 the next, but we must see if you reach the goal, given the ongoing announcements of the government on the fiscal peace. The operation, balance and extract of other tax badessments, in the executive program, but not yet ready. Next week, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said the work to reduce gold retreats would begin. Then on the income of citizenship and lump sum tax, even for businesses, with the extension of the flat-rate VAT system.

Incognit on Revenue

1.6 million taxpayers joined the first discard, from which payments already amounting to 6.5 billion euros have already arrived. Another $ 1.7 billion is expected to come with the payment of the last tranche of the facilitated definition, which falls on July 31 (for an income of $ 8.2 billion, one more than expected). The expectation of the new amnesty on tax debts could have also had an impact on the latest deadlines of the first demolition.

Who rotten and does not pay

In any case, the operation launched by the Pd government does not seem to have solved the problem of litigation. About half of the taxpayers who had deleted records for more than 100 thousand euros, once joined, did not pay. And he will return soon to undergo the actions of recovery of credits by the agents of the collection.

New Functions

Even for the fallen bis, as required by law, one can choose which debts to pay among the admitted. On the website of the Agency, there will be an application capable of generating payment slips, excluding debts that do not have to be paid in installments. Knowing that even for these debts, in September or soon after, the tax authorities will come back to beat the money. Provided that the fiscal peace is not in the meantime

7 July 2018 (change 7 July 2018 | 23:52)


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