Recruitment Poste Italiane 2018: open positions for postal workers and not only expiring in July


Positions still open with Poste Italiane who is still looking for resources for Trentino Alto Adige, specifically for Bolzano. Let's see what job offers are still active and how to apply.

Poste Italiane works with us

Recently Poste Italiane announced that it will strengthen the workforce through a project that will continue for a few years, which will lead to various badumptions as we had anticipated in the article Italian Poste Italiane 2018: work for 500 young graduates as consultants

Currently, on the site Poste Italiane works with us some jobs are available for Trentino Alto Adige. We are still looking for factor for Bolzano who will be hired for a fixed term for seasonal needs. To apply, you need a bilingual license, a driver's license for the company and a generic aptitude for work documented by the medical certificate issued by the company. USL / ASL or by your doctor.

Post also seeks Front End figures still for Bolzano. Candidates will be hired for a fixed term and will be responsible for promoting and selling products and providing information to clients. To apply, students must have a high school diploma, a bilingual license, issued by the province of Bolzano, and preferably have already gained experience in the commercial sector or in contexts in contact with the public. The announcement expires on July 20th.

Consultants are also sought throughout Italy

For the entire Italian territory, however, Post is seeking mobile advisers in the financial insurance sector. So we need a degree in economics / law / finance, at pbaded the exam for financial advisor, investment knowledge (Mifid II), experience of at least 2 years, preferably in the banking sector in the trade or have carried out consulting and sales activities in the field of investments. Also for this post, the application expires on July 20th.

Anyone interested can apply to the Post Works with Us page where after registering, you can send the resume and read how to make the selections.

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