"Referendum between us and the elites of the EU"


Pontida's Prattone Matteo Salvini looks forward to it. "It's not enough to change Italy, you have to change Europe" . For the first time, at the traditional meeting of the League, he arrives as Deputy Prime Minister. Him the movement founded by Umberto Bossi took when he was 4% and took a step of 20%. Now that he is one of the two main shareholders of the government and that he sits on the most burning executive chair, that of the Viminale, which he must try to solve once and for all. urgency of immigration, he is already thinking of the next goal: European Elections next year. "This will be a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and precariousness and Europe's peoples, work, tranquility, of the family and the future ". 19659002] "Today is the historical account of the governors of the center-right and the League that will speak: it is a league that not only grows but makes everyone grow" . The latest polls give the league more than 30%. And the photo that arrives today from Pontida seems to describe this situation well. On the pratone there are tens of thousands of people from all over Italy to participate in the traditional fair. This year, the official color is blue, which stands on banners and on the stage, with the slogan "Common sense to the government". Here and there, he mingles with the green of the militants' t-shirts and hats (watch the video). For the first time, indeed, Pontida Northern League delegations gathered from all over the country. But already Salvini tickles the idea of ​​extending the scope of the League to an international dimension. "I am going to turn the capital into a capital – he explains – by meeting other ministers to deal with security, counterterrorism and border controls, and of course, to talk about it." an alliance that gives a different future to 500 million citizens "

Obviously, Salvini does not forget the commitment to Rome. Many files opened on his table at Viminale . "I am happy and satisfied with the work of the Lega and the government 5 stars, if they want to fight us, they will not succeed" thus shortening the President of the House, Roberto Fico on the closure of Italian ports to immigrants and under-secretary Vincenzo Spadafora on the rights of homobadual couples. He says that both speak "personally" and go straight on his way. The return of emergency immigration to the center of his agenda. From the compromise (not too convincing) obtained by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at the European summit. "This is a first step – he admits – finally the Italian proposals were discussed: they realized that we can say" no ", and if need be we will say" . The goal is to bring Europe to protect the external border with Frontex.

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