Reform of Fornero, goodbye to the scales: "Quote 100" at age 64 and discouragement for those leaving


Luigi Di Maio, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Economic Development of the Conte Government

While the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Lega, continues to say "disrupt the Fornero law". Corte dei Conti says we can not do it "because it would be" a sign of good sense and fairness ", the details of the measure commissioned by the Conté government begin to flow.

In addition to rumors, this time from the other Deputy Prime Minister, Luigi Di Maio, who is also Minister of Labor and Economic Development, introducing the programmatic lines of his dicasteries in the Senate first stated that 39, it is "necessary and urgent to provide new outlets" in order to "overcome" the "Fornero reform". However, he also clarified that pure "quota 100", regardless of age, will not be adopted.

Di Maio: we study the most convenient combinations

On the "100 quota", Di Maio said that the government "is at work" and "evaluates: certainly, we are not talking about all the combinations possible ": we must identify the" most practical ". But who's practical? The reference is clear: convenient for the government

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Of course, added Di Maio, the introduction of the "quota 100" should be considered "positively" but it is also necessary "d & # To estimate with certainty the costs and

We announced it since May

. The Deputy Prime Minister therefore admitted that these access thresholds will be adopted for La Tecnica della Scuola to have an impact on the whole system. had been making the badumption since the month of May

The introduction of "Quota 100", strongly thwarted by the same former minister Elsa Fornero and the number one INPS, Tito Boeri, for unsustainable costs, will therefore prove to be very different from imagined hundreds of thousands of workers around age 60 and already with the catcher in the mouth for the landing of the M5S and the government league.

The danger of the mbad exodus

Di Maio also talked about 41: still on the subject of outgoing flexibility should benefit those who have matured "41 years old" regardless of age. And again: "those who have acquired a 41-year-old senior contribution are entitled to benefit from a window without having to wait for the current age requirement."

Different sources, however, tell us that the 41 years of contributions paid will be advanced, at least six months

And there are also those who talk about cuts to the allowance for those who leave early and d & rsquo; Substantial increases in the pension, up to 20-30%, to discourage a mbad exodus, this would undermine the INPS funds and force employers, including the state, to a high turnover figure.

Also, in this case, the MEF's requirements will prevail. At the expense of many workers who had already made their calculations based on the openings received by the same M5S until a few weeks ago.

First cut gold pensions

Di Maio, finally, confirmed that the government office will cancel "gold or privilege pensions, above 4 -5 thousand euros net and not related to the contribution, also to finance those of citizenship. "

On this front, however, the economic return to the state would be very high. According to the Tabula Social Security Studies Center, headed by Stefano Patriarca, a consultant for Palazzo Chigi in the previous government, the reduction of gold pensions above 4 thousand euros net would allow for a total of save between 800 million euros and the billion, which, on the tax, they would halve, falling to 450-600 million. The gap varies between 10% and 12%, but "with high variability" related to individual careers

The precise sum will depend on how the recalculation will be performed by applying the contributory method. It will be essential to understand what you choose to deposit: pensions, individual checks or retirement income that accrue to the individual. In the latter case, the interested parties would be about 100 000. But everything will be clearer in a few days

Also because Di Maio, account for "bring it home" already "before the summer holidays" .

Minimum feathers to raise

Surely "everything we cut we put minimum pensions," badured Di Maio, who with the savings intends to fund the "citizenship pension", bringing to 780 the minimums.

The cost of this operation is all to be done, but for the moment the circulating figures indicate an expenditure of not less than 2 billion, which could rather reach 4 billion. On the other hand, according to the ISTAT, nearly half a million (455 thousand) "retired" (those who receive a labor pension) in absolute poverty

Skeptical unions: we wait for the call

Unions Meanwhile, they are waiting to be summoned. "We hope that the time will soon come to put words to the facts – said the CGIL confederal secretary Roberto Ghiselli – on pensions, we continue to revolve around the problem without explaining how you want to intervene, and the days go by the intention of a genuine reform that structurally exceeds the Fornero law seems to fade in the intentions of the government.We hope that the Minister Di Maio will convene soon Cgil-Cisl-Uil to begin a comparison of merit

And again: "the discussion of individual aspects, such as annuities or sometimes shared nodes, if not for the countless restrictive restrictions envisaged, according to the quota 100, appears more like a set of media hijacks than 39, a real intention to do seriously. "

Regarding the decline in pensions above 4000 euros, Ghiselli says that" we must s fostering solidarity in the pension system "but" it is dangerous to use the lever of the contributory recalculation: we leave the so-called "golden pensions" and we risk having the cut of all the others pensions, as proposed by the President of the INPS Tito Boeri

In Germany, pre-retirement investment increased by 31.7 billion

. In Germany, a social security package has been presented in recent days to strengthen the position Social Democrat Labor Minister Hubertus Heil has announced a package of spending measures of 31.7 billion euros until 39, in 2025. In addition, 10 billion euros will be spent on the protection of retirees and the stabilization of pensions. "Demography of funds".

The goal is to stabilize the pension level at 48% until that date.

Heil sent the package to the government for approval, the union (Cdu-Csu) expressed his consent, and the law should come into force from 1 January 2019.

The maneuver will serve the protection of three million Fathers and mothers and 170 thousand retirees for health reasons, and to facilitate three million people The purpose of the Demographic Fund is to ensure that the level of social security contributions in Germany does not exceed 20%.

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