Region of Lazio, the opposition backs down in front of Zingaretti's mistrust: "No need to go to the Council"


The alarm sounds: for the moment, there will be no mistrust towards Nicola Zingaretti. Or rather, the motion presented last week by the 5 center-right captains will still be discussed Saturday morning at the Regional Council, but almost all opposition parties have announced their retreat. It was enough that a councilor elected to the League, Enrico Cavallari, already protagonist of the "Pact of Aula" in favor of Governor Dem, announcing to the world that "we must first discourage the national government", to put pressure first Forza Italia and then M5S to withdraw from the battle of numbers. A domino effect that prevented a possible imminent crisis, the main candidate for the national secretariat of the Pd this Tuesday night on WhatsApp chat was even given to resign from its own partners.

CAVALLARI SAVE THE ARMCHAIR – For the movement, with first signatory Stefano Parisi, to be approved, it would serve the positive vote of 26 advisers, how – technically – it would be necessary to count the opposition without the external support to Zingaretti guaranteed by Cavallari and by the Giuseppe Cangemi. The latter, in recent days, had shown himself ready to close the support outside the governor, which also meant the first right hand man of Gianni Alemanno at the time of the center in Campidoglio. But it was just CavallariThis morning, dissolve the reservation with a statement and, in fact, eliminate the "conspiracy". "I will not vote in Zingaretti's mistrust – he says – because if you really want to make your way to the united center, the only credible political act is to be wary of National Government"Formed by Lega and M5S." As long as there is this anomaly, it is impossible to do anything but think of the good of the citizens of the Lazio region. "Translated: for Lazio Zingaretti better than Salvini.

FORZA ITALIA AND M5S WILL NOT BE US – In a normal situation, he would always be charged to the account, also to evaluate the effective force of the governor and try to look for "irresponsible" in the ranks of the majority. And instead, a few minutes after Cavallari's note, here is the intervention of the regional coordinator of Forza Italia, Claudio Fazzone, remove the ball. "I will call my team leader and I will tell him that, given Cavallari's position, there is no point in going to make such numbers in the Council." The instrument of mistrust is serious when there are really strong political problems and the opposition is aware of the numbers and decides to be suspicious. " Assistance also collected by the M5S parent company, Roberta Lombardi"There are no more conditions to introduce the motion of censure, I would like to withdraw it because we have already lost a week of work because of these antics". The same former member of the coalition who, a few days ago, announced that she wanted to "vote against mistrust to drive out the center-right".

WHAT WILL ARRIVE SATURDAY? – at the meeting of the group leaders, the President of the Chamber, Daniele Leodori, however, has programmed – at the request of Parisi – the motion for Saturday, December 1 (in the same hours will be held primary for the regional secretariat of the Democratic Party). But already several opposition advisers have announced that they could not be present in Pisana for "commitments already made before". The presidents of the regional councilors, who are well paid, seem to be without prejudice, as well as the imminent recruitment of Pisana staff, which will be formalized in the coming days (secretariats and press offices above all). Nicola Zingarettidespite his lame duck, he goes back to sleep peacefully.

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