Region of Lombardy, yes to the census of nomads and the closing of irregular fields


Green light at the census of "Roma, Sinti and Caminanti" in the regular camps and closure of abuses: it is the mandate that, by a motion, the Lombardy Regional Council gave to the Council led by the League Attilio Fontana.

The document, presented by Silvia Sardone de Forza Italia, was adopted by a majority vote by secret ballot (39 votes in favor, 31 against, one abstention and two voiceless) immediately taking over from the Regional Councilor for Security, Riccardo De Corato of the Brothers of Italy, convinced that "only a mapping of the Roma and Sinti settlements in Lombardy would allow to implement the most appropriate interventions to counter the situations of illegality and urban degradation and guarantee the civil coexistence ".

From a "racist and demagogic motion, which calls for an ethnic census", the Democratic Party is speaking rather. "It is clear that we have to overcome the fields, but for this we need resources and ad hoc policies," explained the regional councilor and former safety advisor Milan Carmela Rozza, who presented an amendment to the text accepted. He also opposes the 5 stars. "We are in favor of closing irregular settlements" but the census point "has been better explored," said pentastellato group leader Andrea Fiasconaro, who had asked the committee to postpone the motion.

The document approved by Pirellone also provides for the mandatory school attendance of minors present in the camps and the opening of a survey to understand the extent of the economic resources used for the management of regular camps, as well as the contrast with begging. "We voted in favor because it is a historic battle of Carroccio," said the Northern League Mbadimiliano Bastoni. "The Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini has proposed it at the national level," he added

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