Lombardy region, yes to the motion for the census of Roma camps
Favorable vote of the regional council to the motion calling for the establishment of a census of Roma and Sinti based camps Regional Council
"I am convinced that my motion on the census of regular and irregular Roma camps and their residents throughout Lombardy was approved today in the hearing room – comments Silvia Sardone Regional Councilor of Forza Italy – I have been to various Milanese nomad camps, such as that of via Negrotto or that of Via Bonfadini in Milan, and I have been able to cope with the Widespread illegality that reigns in these settlements.Indeed, the regular camps are flanked by other totally irregular camps where nobody knows who comes in and out, causing serious damage to the residents who live nearby. app layout Re-opened today, it will be possible to understand who and how many people live in the regular and irregular areas of the entire region. And especially to check the school dispersion that is very high and to try to understand, in depth, what are spent the funds for the fields, for inclusion and for integration. It is unacceptable that children, rather than being in school, are used for the crime: as a mother, I can not tolerate that. Too often, I see children living between garbage and mice, a serious policy does not allow these third world shows. We can not continue to pretend. The purpose of this motion is to conduct a serious badysis of regular and irregular fields, with a view to overcoming them and safeguarding the future of these children. Knowing where they are and how they live is the only way to save them. Let 's put aside a moment of kindness and controversy and think about closing those ghettos that are only a source of degradation and delinquency and that take away the future and hope to many of them. children.
Comment the Regional Councilor for Security Riccardo De Corato : "This is an important step in the direction of what my commission has been planning for months." "This is it continues – policies to secure the closure of deicomuni and irregular settlement prefects. and start a survey to understand the economic resources used for regular camp management. Only a cartography of the Roma and Sinti settlements present in Lombardy allows to implement the most appropriate interventions to contrast the situations of urban illegality and degradation. guarantee civil cohabitation. A similar cartography, although limited to the provincial territory, had already been carried out in 2006 by the Province of Milan and in 2008 in relation to the whole of the regional territory, in particular to the Municipality of Milan, by the Lombardy Region, in collaboration with Iref and the Local Police Corps in Milan. What's missing for now, though, is a recent survey that gives a current and real picture of the situation. For this reason, my department has recently started a dialogue with PoliS – Lombardia. The objective is to build a research project to map the Roma and Sinti settlements and to study the various aspects of reference, including: estimation of the area of the spaces allocated to them, population, school attendance of miners, types of housing solutions, services available, irregular facilities and economic resources used by the municipalities for camp management. An absolutely essential action to prevent and contrast illegality and to ensure the respect of the rules. The advisor – concludes De Corato – as part of his powers, will solicit the different institutional subjects to remove irregularities and irregularities "
The motion was approved by secret ballot with 39 yes and 31 no The Democratic Party voted against the motion, which he had tried to amend with an amendment proposed by Carmela Rozza who demanded that the Region provide the municipalities with the necessary resources to overcome the camps and launch an investigation to understand the economic resources used for the management of regular domains (public services, cultural mediation projects and inclusion), the majority rejected it, and also said no to a change request from Forza Italia who asked to change the term "Survey"
"The Regional Council approved a racist motion calling for an ethnic census – says Rozza – while refusing to allocate any s resources to overcome and ch C & # 39; is a pure, retro and dangerous ideology, imprinted with demagoguery. It is clear that we are aiming to overcome the fields, but to do this we need ad hoc resources and policies. This is not what the League and much of the center-right majority want, who talk about children and the right to education but, after all, they care only about of the bulldozer, provided that they do not have to pay for fuel. "
his speech Rozza recalled that the city of Milan already has in hand the numbers of the regular and irregular areas of Milan, presented to the council committee on May 21 at the council committee competent by the direction of the urban security of the city of Milan. Ten are the closed irregular nomadic camps of Milan from 2012 to 2018, from via Idro to via San Dionigi, in which there were 960 people. There remain four irregular but consolidated camps under observation (Montebisbino, Vaiano Valle, Bonfadini and Cusago) for a total of 312 people, and five regular camps inhabited by 642 people. The same reasoning applies to the municipality of Brescia, which controls the three camps in the region. "The doubt is that the motion actually applies to the municipality of Gallarate, governed by the League," concludes Rozza.
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