Released by the Municipal Police – Alexandria, isolated at home to steal the Piedmont Disability Pension


  Via Brescia to Alessandria

Via Brescia to Alexandria

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Alexandria – The neighbors could not imagine what the brigade would find in this apartment historic center of Alexandria . They complained for a few months about the condominium administrator who, in turn, was trying to find solutions with the owner, because of the strong smell that emanated from these rooms. Persistent, acrid, unbearable. Every day they saw a man come in and out, they knew that he had a "companion", whom he had introduced as a girlfriend or as a wife. "Never seen again" since they took possession of the house nine months ago. The owner of the property turned to the city, the municipal police immediately intervened. And agents saved a life .

The apartment in via Brescia was turned into a prison : a 48-year-old woman, unable to walk and with serious problems of comprehension, was locked in a room. Not alone, but with two dogs. Impossible for her to go out and so also to access the bathroom. The wheelchair was in another part of the house, inaccessible. They found her lying on a bed on a Friday afternoon, which she also met with every day. And that dogs used as a latrine.

Without light, without gas, without water, without telephone. He lived with shutters and closed windows in a cramped and dirty space with both animals. The only moments of "air" were in the morning and in the evening, when her "companion" (known in the cat in 2011 and she fell in love) came to feed her. No other contact with the outside world or with her family who, in desperation, had been looking for her for years without result.

The Alexandria brigades received signaling around 1 pm on Friday, July 27 and after an hour, fearing the worst for the person segregated in this apartment, they were on the spot. Entering the main door was easy. They called the lady several times, who found herself complaining. "Are you OK?" "Yes," he replied, as the dogs barked. Firefighters were used to open the room. Inside, an unsustainable situation: the bed on which the disabled woman lived was wet and dirty. On the floor, his excrement and those of the animals, who had also smeared the walls in addition to other parts of the house, in which they shot in the few minutes they were released.

On the table where the woman was served two meals a day, there were shoes, cigarettes extinguished a stove, drinks open. All thrown loose, stacked. In the closets, other men 's shoes, empty bottles, abandoned food confections such as milk or meat, pasta and oil.

Who closed there? A 37 year old boy from Cremona who lived a few months in another place, still in town, in the company of another woman. When he returned to the apartment in via Brescia, late in the afternoon of Friday, he found the municipal agents who were waiting for him. In his pocket he kept the key to the prison room. He was reported for kidnapping, bypbading the incapable and negligent of the helpless . The woman was taken to the hospital by the operators of the 118.

L? Probably made for retirement : the initial investigations resulted in a co-registered account on which she has received a monthly disability. Nineteenth euros that were used by his "jailer" to live. While she was in danger of dying.

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