Renzi and Millionaire House: "I have a very good salary"


So that the perpetual scapegoat is fed up. "The DP has lost most of the ballots, and someone has given the responsibility." Still "I'm glad to be considered the alibi of everything, but this reading voting is hardly more than a joke, "Matteo Renzi reacts.

Opening of a decisive week for the dem, since Saturday the National Assembly (continued time deferred) will have to establish the final structure of the party after the resignation of the secretary, given in March, Renzi publishes a long enews. And it intervenes in all areas, because of the work of the government (which "finished a month" but remains "blocked" in terms of provisions, so much so that the rooms are virtually closed due to the fact lack of which threatens to target Europe under the blows of the rulers.But he also speaks of "my personal facts", to respond to the "shit mbad written on my account" these days. History of the "pharaonic villa that I would have bought with a kind of money", a slogan that filled the pages of newspapers and that the former prime minister defines "waste" and dismounts in detail: "For months – he explains – a beautiful three-bedroom house in Florence, selling our beautiful three-bedroom house in Pontbadieve, we will have to pay a difference that we will cover with a mortgage." Everything is very simple and not very mysterious, and from elsewhere – remembers Renzi – the parlem They must report their real estate, so "wait and check". As "public and transparent" are the income that, he says, "even allow me to take a loan". And to those who complained that he had said, when he was at Palazzo Chigi, to have only 15 thousand euros in the account, he replied that he had said to show that "the government does not become rich, as they say out of step and populist ". Now, as a parliamentarian, in addition to "excellent salary", he is also allowed to have "other inputs, all public and transparent", who are speakers or authors of a program televised (which confirms), a "special about my city" because "the more the political debate becomes barbaric, the more there is need of beauty and culture."

Renzi says that what happens in the Democratic Party " it must be clarified, "and that he will say his" in the coming days, with a view to the Assembly ". Meanwhile, his friends are closing the games around the Assembly: the intention, shared by most currents, is to freeze the status quo. Then elect Martina Secretary, with a very rational structure: Orfini would remain president, treasurer Bonifazi and Luca Lotti, head of the Organization. The Congress and the primaries will move to a date to be attributed, presumably after the 2019 European elections. This opens the way for Nicola Zingaretti's descent into the field, Sunday, in an interview with Corriere della Sera. this is done before the Europeans. "The problem is that nobody is in a hurry to go to an internal account, and nobody – after the great refusal of Gentiloni, the only one who would have accepted everything but who has pbaded for Zingaretti – now has a strong candidate to oppose the president of the Lazio region, who "is a good governor and a highly respected manager," says a representative of Renziano, "but we would go straight to the DS, or worse, to a kind of Italian Corbinism. "

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