Renzi: "I change house, but I'm going to mortgage like everyone else"


"If I have to believe what I read on the web, we are at least the seventh house my family has bought in the last twelve months," writes Matteo Renzi in his latest e-news. The former secretary pd responded to the news circulated in the days, according to which he had already signed the preliminary purchase of a villa worth 1 million and 300 thousand euros, by paying a deposit of 400 thousand euros.
"For months we have been trying to buy a beautiful three-bedroom house in Florence that sells our house in Pontbadieve. We will have to pay a difference that we will cover with a mortgage, "he explains, adding," For three days the web is full of garbage that we will try to replicate back and forth to claim damages for all the lies we read.

"The defeat of the Democratic Party? Ridiculous blame me "

In his blog, the former prime minister also commented on the defeat of the administration." The PD lost most of the ballots. And someone gave me the responsibility – he says – I'm happy to be considered alibi for everything but this reading of the vote is little more than 39 years old. ;a joke. I think that it is necessary to clarify: I will calmly write on the PD in the coming days in view of the National Assembly on July 7 ".
The senator from Scandicci also announces that he is ready to make a special TV show about Florence, but that he is not for this reason a "provincial showman". Then claiming the turnout in Parliament, pointing out: "Up to now, I have 100% attendance at over two hundred votes in clbad and at Commission sessions: so perfect way that I do not may not hold, but that says a lot scrupulously respecting the mandate that was entrusted to me by the voters of my college. "

" M5S and Lega bet on fear "

The former Prime Minister then intervenes on the issue of immigration, accusing Lega and Movimento 5 stelle to bet on fear. "They touched on the theme – he writes – by blocking two unhappy ships in the middle of the Mediterranean. They thought to change the line of Europe by taking a few hundred desperate hostages. One day, I am very scared, we will remember the management of the law on immigration as the most incredible self-regulation ever made by ours in Europe. "

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