Renzi: "The cycle Lega-M5s will last less than mine" But at dinner with MPs Pd Martina is not there



"My government is the fourth in terms of duration, but it has been very fast, their cycle will last even less." This was declared by the senator of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi during the dinner with the parliamentarians of the Pd majority in Rome, referring to the Legislative Executive. M5s. "They have nothing in hand, but they are good at selling it," he said, "we said we were disaster, unfortunately it was true". Absent Dem secretary, Maurizio Martina

Buffet dinner, 50 euros per person, an imposing castle with high walls as location, Renziani's dinner opened with senator-tenor Alan Ferrari intoning "All" alba will win " Giacomo Puccini's Turandot: Perhaps the hope of a leader who did not give up the rescue.The relaxed mood, the jokes, the laughs – Matteo Colaninno imitated the l & # 39; 39, former minister Giulio Tremonti -, Renzi took the microphone by launching his show.

"Let's stop with the depression – he urged – we lost a great fight, maybe we will have understood something that n & # 39; "We do not need to be good to please editorialists." "We have a great chance, we have to stop fighting, the others only have strength that they focus on me." "If I shut up, M5 and the panic of the League."

The agreement with the Cinquestelle "would have destroyed Pd", he say again. "We try to start again in the autumn without worry, first we understand their communication strategy and before returning to the field," said Renzi promising a Leopolda, its annual congress, "which will not only be a Democratic Party affair but broader ". But the party "without us losing the reformist drive and dying, we must work to revive it by putting an end to internal disputes".

Martina absent – "I am grateful to the volunteers of the democratic party of Siena". Thus, for three consecutive times, the secretary of the Democratic Party, Maurizio Martina, invited to the Democratic Party of Siena, answered the journalists who asked him a comment on the dinner with 120 deputies of the Aventine organized by Renzi [19659008] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: 1532776643650316, XFBML: false, Version: "v2.2");};
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