"Resignation of the INPS and Democratic Party candidates"


"Immigrants are used to pay pensions". The beaten record of "19459004" Inps of Tito Boeri in the annual report of the state institution, in addition to repeating the usual tiritera – tingling the Answer of Salvini – also argued that "any policy of recovery of the low Italian birth rate can not by itself curb the reduction of working-age population clbades expected for the next twenty years

But it was not only the Minister of the Interior of Cape Lega to criticize President Boeri's position. In fact, even Giorgia Meloni sang four in a video on Facebook : "If you want to do politics, quit and candidates with the Pd !" [19659002]

Meloni vs. Boeri

Here is what the leader of Brothers of Italy in filmed published on his social networks: "The president of the INPS Boeri in those days gave us great pearls of wisdom.The first: the immigrants serve us because they are fighting against demographic decline.No, Boeri: we need to resources to help Italian families to give birth to children, resources that if we continue to spend for immigrants we will never have "

And adds: " The second pearl of the wisdom: the immigrants serve us because they will pay the pensions to the Italians No, Boeri: Italy is almen or ten points below the European average for l & rsquo; occupation which means that if we recover this gap and put people to work, we will have those who work to pay pensions "

And again: " I annuities and pensions gold can not be abolished, "he says . However, said by those who provide minimum pensions of 500 euros really does a lot of thinking. " Up to the final flogging: " President Boeri, we try to say sensible things and if we do not really want to say them and we want to get involved in the politics of the head of a public institution, we resign and ask the guide of Pd ".

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