responsible arrested the local police


"extortion", it's the crime that led to the arrest of one traffic officer, local police officer of the capital of Rome. The arrest in the afternoon of Tuesday, November 27 by the investigators of the State Police of the 9th section "Anti-Corruption" of the Mobile Brigade of Rome and the police station of 39; Esquilino. In handcuffs, it's over a Roman of 63 years extortion crime to the detriment of the owner of a business in the sector of San Lorenzo.

The operation took place around 14 hours, when the public official was presented to the restaurant to claim payment of the sum of 400 euros. Once the money was exchanged, the police present on the spot immediately intervened to arrest the official and recover from his pocket the banknotes that the contractor had just received.

The activity continued with the execution of personal and local searches, which gave a positive result to the home of the public sector employee where a modest amount of stupefying substance-type cocaine, seized administratively in accordance with art. 75 of Presidential Decree 309/90.

It has also been established that the entrepreneur has long been the victim of requests for money from the public official. In particular, as a result of a check in his restaurant and the subsequent challenge of administrative offenses for an amount of about 8,000 euros, he was approached several times by the same agent public with the claim of donations of money on pain of raising administrative conflicts with him. fines of thousands of euros.

Earlier, on October 19, the public official had asked and obtained from the restaurant owner the sum of 500 euros always in order to avoid new administrative controls of his commercial activity.

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