Retired retired and cold death last February, arrested son – Piedmont


It was found by Service 118 rescuers in an abandoned house, surrounded by snow falling copiously in the previous two days, in a fraction of Arquata Scrivia, on the border between Piedmont and Liguria [19659002] Investigations into the death of Igina Fabbri, 71, woman died cold on February 6 in a house near Arquata Scrivia (Alessandria) after being tied to the wrists: police arrested the son of 46 years for – according to the first information – homicide and kidnapping . He had been the only one to call for help.

The 118 rescuers had found La Fabbri in an abandoned house, surrounded by heavy snowfall from the previous two days, in a fraction of Arquata Scrivia, on the border between Piedmont and Liguria. To give the alarm, the son, Mauro Traverso, 46, says he found his mother's wrists attached, half conscious, lying on a camp bed near the entrance. The autopsy certified that the woman had died of cardiac arrest due to hypothermia. According to preliminary information, Traverso is a drug user. During the morning, the riflemen will take stock of the investigations at a press conference.


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