Revocation of the escort to Donatella Di Cesare, scholar of the Holocaust


The escort was removed from the philosopher Donatella Di Cesare. This was announced by the same philosopher, known for his studies on the Holocaust, on Twitter. The decision, according to what you revealed, came "overnight", after the oath of the new government: "I had no political or institutional position. I was given the escort for threats from neo-Nazi and neo-fascist groups. Are the threats finished? "Asks the professor of theoretical philosophy of the University" La Sapienza "of Rome and editorialist of Corriere della Sera.

Di Cesare lived from 2015 under escort due to repeated threats of anti-Semitic imprint. The founder of Possibile, Filippo Civati, in a note, hopes a clarification: "Donatella Di Cesare no longer escorts him at any time.The decision – he says – was communicated to him without the necessary reasons , which seem necessary to its tranquility.We badociate ourselves with your request for clarification, in such a delicate moment, where any risk of being exploited and becoming very dangerous. "

2 July 2018 (edit 2 July 2018 | 22:04)


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