Ridge orders to kill Bill


Good anticipations November 29 and December 1: Ridge orders to kill Bill
Good anticipations November 29 and December 1: Ridge orders to kill Bill

Moments of great tension await us in the episodes of beautiful it will diffuse Friday, November 30 and Saturday, December 1st on the channel 5. Katie goes on the heels of Bill Spencer's threats as Bill faces Steffy's father "face to face". Meanwhile, Liam and Hope spend a lot of time together. Just read the Beautiful anticipations that follow.

Good anticipations November 30: Bill threatens Katie

Wyatt reveals to his father that he intends to marry Katie Logan. The publisher does not take it at all well and unleashes fury against them. The man is ready to disinherit his son Wyatt. Afterwards, Bill also learns Brooke, Quinn and Eric they were aware of their knowledge for a long time. Shocked by this news, he turns to Katie with a threatening tone: if he marries Wyatt, he will lose Will's trust! Wyatt explodes and admits that he wants to see Sally's ball touching his father's body and not the Sky Skipper model.

Moreover, in this episode of beautifulSteffy confides to his father his doubts about his half-sister. What if Hope claimed to win back Liam?
Meanwhile, Deacon's daughter and young Spencer meet at the bar to take care of the philanthropic part of "Hope For The Future".

Beautiful anticipations, episode Saturday, December 1: Liam finds his smile with Hope

Katie Logan is angry because of Bill Spencer's threats. Wyatt tries to rebadure her. Quinn and Eric arrive to whom the two lovers communicate to want to get married. During a confrontation with his mother Quinn, Wyatt reveals that his father went to bed with Steffy Forrester.

Meanwhile, Liam spends flattering words on Hope. His return did him good. The young Logan helped him to regain the urge to live when everything seemed to be going for the better. And if he has found a smile, it is only thanks to her, his hugs and his words comforting and wise.

Mogul Spencer and Justin meet at "Il Giardino". Still in the same room, Steffy and his father are taking a table. Ridge notices that his worst enemy is staring and craving Steffy and is unleashed. Sheila Carter tries by all means to soothe the spirits of both men and Crest, before leaving the room, orders the woman to go out Bill Spencer permanently!

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