"Rivers of cocaine from Spain", convictions for almost 80 years in prison


Nearly eighty years of imprisonment were inflicted on seven people, including two Spanish, who were involved on January 24, 2017 in the DDA drug operation and at the Guardia di Finanza in Palermo, Borasco. Eight were the arrests, between Marsala, Isola delle Femmine, Frascati and Agrigento, for cocaine trafficking between Spain and Sicily. Although the Palermo gup Marcella Ferrara, in the ruling ruled out, as already the Riesame, the worsening of international drug trafficking, condemning the defendants for detention and trafficking. And the penalties were rather heavy. Especially since the abbreviated procedure provides for a penalty reduction of one third.

The most severe, 18 years in prison, was imposed – according to the report Giornale di Sicilia – at age 58 Marsalese Pietro Maniscalco, considered by investigators (pm Gery Ferrara) one Promoters and organizers of the illegal traffic with the Spanish Alonso Gerardo Olarte, 54, sentenced to 16 years imprisonment. Twelve years and 30 thousand euros in fines, instead, were imposed on the Spanish Santiago Gonzales Rodriquez, 46, formerly belonging to the Guardia Civil. The two Spaniards were busy bringing the drugs to Italy. From the investigations of Fiamme Gialle, "elements of responsibility" emerged for other subjects involved in drug trafficking: Marshalese Vincenzo Crimi, 57, and Antonello Cola, 47, from Frascati, too, last year, locked up in prison as Pietro Maniscalco and Vito Chirco, 56, also Marsala, while Marisa Spatola, Palermo, 49, wife of Maniscalco, was under house arrest. They too have been sentenced. Ten years for Chirco, eight years and nine months for Spatola, eight years for Crimi and six years and 30 thousand euros fine for Cola. According to the Fiamme Gialle, cocaine rivers (during the investigation seized more than 6 kilograms of "white powder") would come from Spain to supply Western Sicily with those who like to sniff in residences. been at the seaside or on a motor boat. The drug, between 2014 and 2015, would arrive from the Iberian Peninsula to supply the coasts of Marsala and Agrigento. The base of the organization of drug traffickers would have been just in the city of Lilybaatar. At the top, according to the indictment, an old acquaintance of Capo Boeo's police force and magistracy: Pietro Maniscalco, considered close to organized crime circles and already with different convictions still for the facts about drugs.

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