Rixi arrives Belsito: "Here, he did nothing but damage" Italy


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Genoa. "No answer to Belsito". The reaction of Matteo Salvini, filtered through his entourage, is icy. No mention or answer, only an annoyed silence to welcome the next day d
in the interview of Francesco Belsito to Secolo XIX
the sentences of the former treasurer of the Lega , at the center of a longstanding court case, about the "forty million euros that the Carroccio had in the money when I left". A story that, after the decision of the Supreme Court that gave the public prosecutor of Genoa the request to return 49 million of these refunds obtained by the Parliament in the years before the Salvini administration, lived in the party as a embarrbading sword of Damocles.

"There is no version of Belsito, there is truth and there are falsehoods – explains the Ligurian secretary of the Lega and the Undersecretary of Transport, Edoardo Rixi . The money Belsito talked about was spent, as Calderoli explained and how the budgets say. "But the former treasurer of Lega, in the interview of Il Secolo XIX also explains that he was sorry to have lost the human relationship with the under-secretary current, saying that he "helped her in her career." "But what help, the damage done to the league was huge – Rixi replies -. When he left, we were in a tragic situation, he risked disintegrating the League, especially in Liguria. "

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