Rocco Casalino at the leaf reporter: Now that the paper closes what are you doing?


At the Anniversary Cup celebrations, the M5 spokesman turned to Francesco Merlo to make a joke about the abolition of funds for publishing. Forza Italia: "Intimidation shameful"

Mara Carfagna: "Intimidation" – The case went up with criticism of the political world of opposition. Mara Carfagna of Forza Italia attacked: "The Minister of Labor wants to dismiss the workers and the undersecretary of justice denounces the deputies, we miss the spokesman of the Prime Minister who threatens journalists by drinking champagne at the party bye bye rents., to Claudio Cerasa and to all the journalists of Il Foglio for the intimidation of Rocco Casalino, his non-denial is worse than the hole: Casalino said that it was a joke, but it does not matter to you did not laugh. While Michele Anzaldi of the Democratic Party has called for the opening of an investigation by the Order of Journalists

Casalino's reaction: "It was just an ironic joke" – Rocco Casalino replied: "Who knows me? He knows that I used to make jokes, and a joke was also the one addressed to the journalist of 'Il Foglio', in which an informal moment of festivities for the annuities, "wrote Palazzo Chigi's spokesman in a note." I'm sure Salvatore Merlo was well aware of this, since I also specified with him that I was joking – he continues – I firmly believe in the freedom of the press and pluralism of information, I am the first to want more media possible, of course, to abolish public funding, "he concludes.

Elio Lannutti: "Il Foglio & # 39; has sucked 50 million funds " – The role of Rocco Casalino echoed the pentastellato senator Elio Lannutti." Casalino reporter of "Il Foglio": Now that it ends, what are you doing? & # 39; Il Foglio & # 39; for some close friends has sucked more than 50 million euros of public funding. parasites! ", writes the senator on Twitter by publishing an article on the case

Fnsi:" Threaten is typical of the regimes "- " It is not surprising that the spokesman of Palazzo Chigi wants to close a newspaper, in this case "Il Foglio", to which editor and colleague Salvatore Merlo, author of the article, goes the solidarity of the National Federation of the Italian press The attitude and the words of Casalino, not new to the proclamations and threats against his fellow journalists, give the exact dimension of his conception of democracy and institutions. "In a note, Raffaele Lorusso and Giuseppe Giulietti, Secretary-General and President of the FNSI, say "Unfortunately for him and for those like him – they add – the Italian Constitution recognizes among its values ​​freedom of expression and freedom of the press, values ​​to which , if they have not done it yet, Casalino and his ilk dream of the badertion The closure of newspapers by the authorities reminds of diets and times that, for Italy, are fortunately very far. "

Casalino had already been the object of daily attention which launched the news of an alleged" taroccamento "of the curriculum vitae on the social network" Linkedin ". directed by Claudio Cerasa investigated a master's degree that the spokesman reportedly obtained in 2000 in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Shenandoah, United States.From a few checks carried out, the l & # 39; American university denied having among his students Rocco Casalino, who explained the incident by revealing that he had never had a profile on the portal dedicated to work.This story was then found in the forgotten.

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