Roma camps, Salvini scares the Rays: "I will come to Rome soon for a visit"


Rays alerted and displaced. A morning in Siena to talk about illegality Matteo Salvini also reopened the Roma front. He promised a census of illegal and problematic camps . And he will start from Rome, announcing a brief visit by post after a visit by the mayor of Rome to take stock and "see how the situation is". He had also told Pontida that he wanted to do with Virginia Raggi that g was made with Lazio Governor Nicola Zingaretti for the villa confiscated at the Casamonica. A trip to Rome We do not know yet when but the places to observe yes: they are the sad Camping River and Barbuta .
"I do not want there to be out of control parts of the Italian state where taxes are not paid and children are not sent to school, it is enough free zones ". Last week was alerted the first citizen of Milan, Beppe Sala, Pontida Sunday is hit on the shelves. Two cities that define criticism is to say little about Roma. According to Messaggero the announcement of Salvini creates havoc, apprehension, panic. Junta Raggi has not managed to circumscribe the problem, which actually creates situations at the edge of life and civilization in the capital. The pressure of the ministry is urgent and embarrbading

The rays and the junta in panic

These are two Roma camps with an explosive situation, the visit of Salvini is welcome: as for the Camping River, the 400 inhabitants of the Sunday area (private) should have left the area. But half remained, although the municipality offered them different solutions on a silver platter: rent contribution, badisted repatriation and hospitality in the social services circuit. In the meantime, housing units belonging to the municipality have been partially removed and the public services detached. Headache to the municipality. How to welcome Salvini? As an "enemy" or by accepting a contribution to solve the solution by demonstrating its unsuitability? Embarrbading. The minister's intention to visit the camps, especially the river, is causing apprehension. But it will not be a blitz. "According to the protocol, in these cases contact – says Salvini – the security advisor responsible in the matter, always respecting the roles of local administrators". In the case of Rome, says the owner of the Interior, "I learned that the file is entrusted directly to the mayor's office, so I will contact you to carry out an inspection together". It would be the first time for Matteo and Virginia together. "Visu", since the agendas of both have never met. They could meet for the first time in both Roma camps.

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