Rome, a child is at risk of drowning in the Torvaianica pool


A four-year-old boy is now at risk of losing his life in a swimming pool at a Torvaianica factory, where he almost drowned. Everything happened shortly after 13h: the baby was with his aunt, who did not see him climb the fence and jump into the water.

The rescuers prevented the tragedy. They plunged into the water and retrieved the baby who, not knowing how to swim, was at the bottom of the pool. Together with a doctor, a customer of the factory, the rescuers immediately did a heart mbadage to the victim. Then the child, unconscious, was entrusted to the 118. The doctors of the helicopter, before transporting him to the Polyclinic Gemelli, were able to wake him up. Immediate diagnosis of white coats at the hospital: drowning syndrome. But the child, fortunately, would not be in danger of life.

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