Rome, a good 89-year-old Italian who sells embroidery. Meloni: "Raggi's excuse"


A & nbsp; 19459004 Old Italian Lady began selling embroidered items near a metro station Rome amended by municipal police officers capitolina

The story is reported, on social networks, by Giorgia Meloni raging against Mayor Virginia Rays for the incident. On the photo published on page Facebook of the political leader of Brothers of Italy we see the woman, sitting on a folding stool who, with love, wears the hooks give life to one of his creations. Behind him, a shopping cart to stuff all his tools and his goods, exposed on a mat spread on the ground, where a dish takes a look to collect the product of the pbaders-customers.

Anziana 89enne fined in Rome

Here is the post of Meloni: "He 89 years and sells objects embroidered by her in front of her. entrance of the Rome metro It seems that three of the municipal officials have been disturbed to go to fine it.It is the humanity of the junta Raggi: it does nothing in front of the mbades of abusive mainly Roma and extracomunitari and they are fined small Italian women C is SCANDALOSO The Rays go personally ask excuse to this lady ". 19659002]

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