Rome, a tourist raped in a hotel by a friend: arrested a young man of 23 years


Reward vacations, arriving after graduation, have become a nightmare for a 25-year-old New Zealand visiting Rome. Hung in the hotel room by a fellow traveler, a 23-year-old Australian, John T., was raped. He could not even scream. He patted her mouth to silence her. He is now under arrest in Regina Coeli and is being cared for in an anti-violence center.

Violence in the middle of Friday night at the Yellow Hotel, via Palestro, not far from Termini. The next day they should leave, the holidays in Italy were over for everyone. The party then lingers in the hall. And in the end, after discussing the day spent between the Colosseum and the forums, the two young men were left alone. The Australian invited the traveling companion to the room with an excuse: "I'm cold, ride with me." I'm going to take a sweater. "Once the door closed, he was quick to express his intentions.On a first attempt at approaching, in front of his friend's not convinced, he attacked her and The tourist then managed to wiggle and once back in her room, she burst into tears.The evening ended with Umberto I's first aid for the appropriate medications and by the Gianicolense police station where he lodged a complaint, accompanied by employees of the New Zealand consulate and the cultural mediator of the provincial anti-violence center The Australian was arrested in a few hours on charges of badual badault by the army of the army.And yesterday, for him, the magistrate Daniela Caramico d'Auria issued the precautionary measure in prison requested by the prosecutor Vittorio Pilla and dall accesso Maria Monteleone, who coordinated the investigation. She was traumatized and shocked and was greeted by one of Difference Woman's anti-violence centers and, in a few days, badisted by the lawyer, Teresa Manente, a lawyer. badociation, will participate in the probing incident. During a re-examination, the magistrates will collect evidence and clues that will be used during the trial of the arrested person. One September night, in the same street, two years ago, another badual abuse was consumed. A Bengali pizzeria who had brought to the yellow bar a twenty-year-old Finnish student who worked in Rome, offered to accompany him, arrived at the end of the violence in the street, he had abused. The investigating judge who sentenced her to 4 years and 4 months had spoken of an animal rape.
Last updated: 8:45 am


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