Rome, Casa delle Donne: "Campidoglio has announced an immediate revocation agreement"


Months of protest, but also of meetings, debates, concerts and the almost unanimous support of an entire city that does not want to lose at any cost an active social and cultural reality for more than thirty years, the House International Women who, according to the logic of the 5 stars, must leave. But apparently all this was useless: the Capitol actually announced the "immediate revocation of the convention" at a meeting that was held at the Department of Heritage between the office of the Chamber – President Francesca Koch and exhibitors Lia Migale, Giulia Rodano, Maria Brighi, Loretta Bondì – and Councilors Laura Baldbadarre and Flavia Marzano and Councilor Gemma Guerrini

"Councilor Rosalba Castiglione announced that the memory distributed by us at the end of January 2018 was totally rejected "the members of the Executive Committee of the International House of Women announced at a meeting held on Wednesday, July 25", there Including proposals for debt relief Councilor Castiglione then announced the immediate revocation of the agreement that regulates relations between the International House of Women and Rome Capital "


Rome, Casa delle Donne, mobilization of actors, the Region and many citizens


" We will oppose everything, "said the administrators. "And we can not fail to note that the announcement of the revocation of the agreement takes place on the eve of August, in the worst tradition of all public and private conflicts in our country: the International House of the Women and all the activities and services rendered to the Good Shepherd they risk the closure because of this new incomprehensible attack of the junta capitoline to the feminism and the life badociated to Rome. "

in reproduction ….

"We have proposed a deal that definitely closes the debt issue, we have received great support with the call for the arts, and with the great mobilization on Capitol Hill on May 21, there is in Rome and in the country aware of the negative and serious way of writing the word end to the experience of the International House of Women.For this reason, we feel the need to ask everyone to support us, to continue the campaign of solidarity and e mobilization, and also to sign e. "

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