Rome, former head of cabinet Raineri at the Raggi trial: "Marra very strong, we called him Rasputin"


"Marra had a very strong dominance over Raggi. They called him Rasputin, where the mayor was comparable to the tsarina. Anyone who turned away would have made a bad pbad. " Carla Romana Raineri, Judge at the Milan Court of Appeal, described in this way the relationship between the mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, and his former director of human resources, Raffaele Marra, from August 5 to September 2, 2016, chief of staff of the first citizen of the capital. Testimony given in the context of the trial, which sees imputed racks for false documents relating to the appointments to the management made between October and November of the same year. The review of Raineri – who at the end of his experience presented a statement from which the investigation into the Prosecutor of Rome – was requested by the pm Francesco Dall & Olio not in order to add new details about the process (the investigation that led to the new ordinance on macrostructures), but to describe the "climate" that reigned in the Capitol during the those first months of administration as chief of staff, I was completely excluded from the trials "and even" in the beginning, I did not even have room, since the mayor's plan was entirely occupied by Raggi, Marra and Romeo ".

"THE CABINET – AN EMPTY SHELL" – "The Cabinet – said the judge – was an empty shell in which delegations were exported elsewhere, to two topics like Salvatore Romeo and Raffaele Marra". Raineri also said that "whenever I showed an operational need to the mayor, I was systematically told to" talk to Dr. Marra "". And again: "Raggi, Marra and Romeo were closed for hours in the mayor's room, they were in complete symbiosis. Only Daniele Frongia (then Deputy Mayor, ed) was allowed to enter. "At that time," the chief of staff had no knowledge of the flow of information. I remember that the day of the earthquake, I was asked to dedicate an authorization to Councilor Bergamo to go to the Venice Film Festival, while in the town hall, there was an operational meeting which I do not was absolutely not warned. "One night, says Raineri," even the prefect Paola Basilone lamented me for this kind of inefficiency. "Raineri also said he complained to Councilor Marcello Minenna," who m? had tried and convinced to meet this challenge ":" I asked him why they had so much with us, he told me to stay calm, that the M5S administrators have asked for and obtained the dismissal of Raffaele Marra".

"MARRA HAD THE DIRECT" – The testimonies focused on the motivations that led Raineri, on August 31, 2016, to announce his resignation, and then formalized on September 2: "On August 22, explained Raineri, the mayor received me in a requested interview. hours before and I represented my wish to dismiss Raffaele Marra from deputy chief of staffTo appoint a colonel of carabineers. Immediately after the mayor convened his offices, Marra and Romeo. In the hours that followed, Rodolfo Murra, then head of the bar, was asked to write a notice in which the mayor could be given the power to appoint an badistant chief of staff. Avvocato Sportelli who drafted the requested document. "Raineri repeatedly reiterated that" I've always had the doubt that the order was given by Marra, even while reading press articles, "the latter However, having not been admitted to the procedure.

RAINERI'S SALARY – However, according to the defense, Raineri's decision to leave also had economic reasons. In those daysANAC doubts of legitimacy about the appointment of the judge, which occurred directly with a contract under art. 110 de Tuel (which would have anticipated the public competition) and not in the sense of the art. 90: the latter, however, provided for an expenditure ceiling "approximately € 120,000 gross"As Raineri confirms herself, who instead earned € 196,000 gross in the judicial system, the salary is confirmed by Raggi in the first provision, which" was solicited by Minenna but executed by Salvatore Romeo ". Were not economic reasons, I never contracted my stay at Capitol After the experience of Tronca, "Raineri repeated several times in the audience room, denying a conversation with the Republic on August 14 in which the judge said that" I do not do charity ".

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