Rome – Fraud in health service, 2 merchants arrested for celiacs | Italy


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Rome – Fraud for more than a million euros against the national health system. With this accusation, two contractors, the Roman ruler of Forza Nuova, Giuliano Castellino and Giorgio Mosca were handcuffed this morning as part of an operation of the Carabinieri del Nas, coordinated by the power of attorney of the capital. The two current merchants were also seized at the two merchants holding the outlets Bio Gluten Srl and Celiachia World .

Contractors, both under house arrest, are the owners of food supplement outlets for celiac disease patients. Both are held responsible, as it appears from the investigations of the Deputy Prosecutor Paolo Ielo and the prosecutor Alberto Pioletti, to have organized a fraud of one million and 300 thousand euros to the detriment of the Service of the Lazio Region. According to the magistrates, the two contractors falsely certified the sale of products for celiacs illegally entering their reimbursement of expenses.

The precedents of Castellino
This is not the first arrest of Castellino. The Roman leader of Forza Nuova hangs several criminal records. The man was indicted on May 25 with allegations of violence and resistance to a public official for defeating, August 23, agents of the Digos intervened near the newspaper Avvenire, on the square Independence, to suppress a demonstration organized by the far-right group against the positions of support for migrants led by the daily Cei. On the same day, the police intervened in Via Curtatone to evacuate a building occupied by migrants. The head of "Rome to the Romans", also that day, was also tried for clashes against the police on February 21, 2017.

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