Rome, meeting Raggi – Di Maio. Share the table for the capital. And it becomes an "interministerial cabin"


It starts from a minimum base of 2 billion euros, but according to the capitoline cases up to now, the total value could exceed 10 billion . With possible effects already in the next financial maneuver. The first official institutional meeting between Virginia Ray and Luigi Di Maio resulted in the reopening, in fact, of Table of Rome interrupted before the elections because of the "misunderstanding" between the mayor and the minister of the time Carlo Calenda . In reality, it will no longer be a "table" but an "interministerial cabin", a significant formal difference, as the number of participants decreases, but the government working group expands. "We are starting to be serious," tweeted Rays in reference to the predictable intent unit with Di Maio, however gaining criticism of the opposition.

TRANSPORT AND ROADS ABOVE PRIORITIES – The first city, for now, he did not hand over to the Minister Economic Development the clbadic shopping list, but he simply listed the "priorities" on which Di Maio will have to think in the weeks to come. "Powers, not money", repeats as a mantra of Campidoglio allowing us to understand how the decrees of application for Roma Capital and the liberation of the institutional chain (Region first ) have the priority over any allocation or project hypothesis. The money, however, is still essential and the needs gradually highlighted by the tenant Campidoglio have a not indifferent cost. Only the urban plan for the sustainable mobility launched in recent months, including new infrastructure and the maintenance of the existing, is worth at least 7 billion to which must be added the revival of Atac . To these we should add nearly 2 billion for the renovation of the beaten Roman roads, not to mention the vegetable waste, which at this stage is a major concern for the Roman rulers. A series of projects should be considered, with less impact on the economic front but nevertheless considered as priorities. There is, for example, the whole of the play on ecological conversion of buildings and urban regeneration that has not yet been quantified but which will have to be tackled; as the intention of Campidoglio to ask the government to finance specific business projects within the green economy as well as the revival of the technological center

NEW RECRUITMENT IN VUE – [19659005EnsileandtheemploymentofpersonalpeopleTheintentionoftheCapitoleadministrationistotrytoexpandbeforehandtheequipmentof 23,000 municipal employees. "They seem to be many, but they are rare – they repeat the majority pentastellata – If we want to do things well and on time, avoiding procrastinating indefinitely offers, we can not think to stay with these gaps". It is not a coincidence that during the Raggi-Di Maio meeting, it was announced that in the coming weeks, more than 200 officials will be recruited in the last concorso of 2010 . And the increase in the workforce, of course, will have a constant cost and will not be depreciated for the future. This is why the Campidoglio will request as soon as possible the liberation of turnover for both the offices of Capitoline as for the municipal offices and pbading from Local Police in order to calibrate the recruitment plans the union needs tables

THE TESORETTO AND THE EXECUTION DECREES – As mentioned, a certain signal could already come from the economic maneuver for 2019 . In fact, the work of the executive in view of this appointment is facilitated by the legacy of the Gentiloni government, which in the last Def left open credits for about 3 billion for the city of Rome. The money is linked to a series of infrastructure projects that the Capitol only partially manages (the doubling of the Fiumicino airport is an example). That's why Raggi expects important answers on the application decrees front, which will allow him to directly manage the funds that will come gradually from the government, without going through the filter not always (or almost) welcome by the Lazio Region.

THE BUILDING CRISIS – That Rome needs to restart quickly also bears witness to alarming data from the construction sector. The Cisl of Rome over the last few days pointed out that troubled Roman companies are 61 for a total of 35,933 workers' without certainty for the 39 the future "and as in the eight years between 2008 and 2016, the members of Rome's Building Fund more than halved, from 64,000 to 31,329," with an average loss of 4 090 every twelve months ". In the last four years, they have closed 1,188 companies. A haemorrhage that Virginia Rays hopes to curb simply by restarting the great works with government funding. Not without criticism from the outside. The deputy secretary of Pd Lazio, Enzo Foschi speaks of "big hard face", according to which "Raggi blew the previous table because it does not" was not able to present definitive plans to use the resources made available by the Lazio Region and the Government ". Reflection followed by that of Raimondo Grbadi, President of Rome Scele Roma: "There is no need for funding, but for legislative instruments".

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