Rome | Refugee removal from Via Scorticabove


In Via Scorticabove, near the Tiburtina, in Rome, on July 5, 2018, an evacuation operation of the refugees of the Sudanese community who lived in a structure up to it three years ago managed by a Cooperative then involved in the scandal "Mafia Capital".

It is actually an expulsion operation against the cooperative, but the Sudanese refugees have done "The abandonment by the cooperative, remained in the structure having no other place to go

It is about a hundred men, refugees, then regularly residing in Italy.

They are for most workers or street vendors and these years were able to give themselves a self-management system to live in the structure

The refugees said that they were not allowed to live in the

structure. were not warned of the planned expulsion.

Now refuse to leave ] because they do not accept the solution proposed by the Municipality of Rome to send a party from among them in other centers.

On the night of July 5 to 6, they slept outside, along Via di Scorticabove, organizing c aricatures someone on mattresses brought by badociations and individuals who wanted to make their solidarity feel.

On July 5 recounted how the events unfolded (here the news of the day, with videos and photos). Here is a summary:

At 8 am the bailiff and the police arrived at the scene and ordered the refugees to leave the structure located at via di Scorticabove, 151 where there are between 100 and 120 refugees, mostly Sudanese from Darfur.

It is not possible to establish the exact number of inhabitants because many are workers and settle in the countryside of southern Italy.

Around 10 am, when arrived on site, almost the entire structure had already been evacuated. The refugees carried the bags and suitcases with their belongings, which they stacked along the Via di Scorticabove. The road is quite narrow.

The expulsion occurred calmly. We have seen a crowbar probably used by law enforcement to enter the structure.

With the refugees were representatives of the tenants union Asia Usb and activists of the group Bpm (Precarious blocks metropolitan). During the morning also arrived Abubakar Soumahoro Unionist Usb who fights for the rights of the workers (here his interview with after the murder of Soumayla Sacko in Calabria) [19659002] Abubakar Soumahoro issued statements in which he denounced the inaction of institutions in via di Scorticabove. The day before, he met with Labor Minister Luigi Di Maio to discuss the situation of agricultural workers.

The bailiff at the request of information activists of the badociation Alterego-Fabbrica dei diritti came out of the structure and confirmed that it was an eviction against the cooperative, to which the operation had been notified. However, no notification seems to have been made to the inhabitants of the structure. It appears from the documents presented by him that the cooperative in question is the "House of Solidarity", a consortium of cooperatives actually involved in the process of "Capital Mafia"

The Operative Social Hall of the Municipality of Rome, which is expected to provide alternative housing solutions in case of frailty, organized a banquet and offered refugees "proposals for reception in the additional circuit Sprar", not better specified, and in any case possible for only one part. The overwhelming majority of refugees refused

Around 17, there was a badembly in Via di Scorticabove, during which the representatives of the various unions intervened. The Sudanese community said that it did not want to leave the road as long as a viable alternative would not be offered, in the form of public housing or self-management. They do not want to go back to the hospitality circuit, having already had negative experiences with the cooperative that ran the center.

In the evening, after the invitation of the unions to the comparison, via di Scorticabove the councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Rome arrived, Laura Baldbadarre who offered temporary beds in emergency facilities. The community refused and in the end there was a little protest.

A meeting was scheduled for Thursday, July 12.

The Commissioner @baldbadarrelaur offers temporary beds in the emergency structures to the Sudanese people expelled this morning from via #Scorticabove . The community wants to remain united and opposed #stopsgomberi #oralecase

– bpm (@bpm_roma) July 5, 2018 [19659025] In the meantime, Sudanese refugees spent the night in the street, sleeping on comics and mattresses

"They slept as they could", says to Giacomo Gresta by Asia Usb "They are very hard, they have faced the desert without water or food, not to mention afraid to sleep like that, but of course, the first night is good, then the second, the third, the fourth … But they do not move from there. "

From #Scorticabove . #rifugiati decided to stay together and garrison the building, at least until Thursday, the day of the meeting with the councilor of the municipality of #Roma [19659029] @baldbadarrelaur The night in the street, the fight continues. #news #Live #refugees #migrants

– Alterego – Factory Rights (@Alterego_FdD) 6 July 2018

With urgency, the chain of solidarity between Roman citizens has also begun.

Here is the other Rome, that of solidarity and popular resistance. Thank you to those who distribute food to the refugees of Via Scorticabove. #Primaglisfruttati

– Abubakar Soumahoro (@aboubakar_soum) July 5, 2018

From via di Scorticabove this morning, July 6, do it yourself know that you need tarpaulins and gazebos to protect you from the sun and mattresses. Anyone who wants to help them can do it by going there.

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