Rome, SI: After 2 years, the government, Giunta shows limits on a fundamental theme


Everything was already planned. The revolt of the citizens of Laurentino may not even make news, as the inevitable reaction to an unsustainable situation was taken for granted in much of the city, with the different neighborhoods that, in turn, suffer the delays and bad services of Ama . After two years of "government" of the city, this junta shows all its limitations on one of the fundamental problems of the administration of a large city; that of waste management

The problem is certainly not easy to deal with though, returning to the statements of the 5Stelle of when they were in opposition, they proclaimed that everything was easy and, on this issue, they Consensus Electoral

It should be recalled that, after the closure of the Malagrotta landfill made by Mayor Marino – judged by some as a little reckless – he was put in place buffer measures as sub-regional agreements for the temporary shipment of some of the waste to other regions and also, for a small part, abroad, planning the necessary treatment facilities and, in the short period of government before being withdrawn for a revenue issue, this junta has practically doubled separate collection in Rome [19659002] The current junta Raggi, in the same for iodo di tempo, managed to aggravate this situation ; did not give any indication of new waste treatment plants hiding behind a pretentious diatribe and a rebound of responsibility with the Lazio region; separate collection of waste at the stake, with a measurable zero point more than the 2015 figures and, especially, dark prospects for the future, since also these temporary measures, transient, implemented by the previous administration expired.

Even the first three pilot projects of Colli Aniene, Decima and Mbadimina for about ten years lighthouse for a separate door-to-door collection of excellence, are in the process of sinking into widespread poor service . The only concrete acts of this junta were the ballet alternatives of Assessors for the Environment and the leaders of Ama. So & # 39; in a statement Yes . (Comunicati / Dire) (Repertoire image)

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