Rome, trash and a Tuffo car cemetery in the hell of Castel Romano


A police helicopter flies over via Pontina, between Castel Romano and Tor de Cenci. An expanse of charred car carcbades, probably stolen and abandoned vehicles, runs along the consular road to Rome. From above stand out the reddish forms that emerge from the tall grbad next to the new jersey barriers. Others are seeds hidden by vegetation in a kind of gully: a car cemetery partly cannibalized, partly removed from traffic perhaps after serving to commit crimes.

A disturbing scenario in which police officers and urban policemen from yesterday morning entered another salvage operation in which a hundred men were participating with patrols and anti-drug dogs and anti-explosive to inspect every corner of the nomad camp. large in Europe: 1,500 residents of various ethnic groups, not just Roma, with a high percentage of arrests and reports of various crimes. And with recent reports telling stones against cars in transit to force drivers to stop and steal, rocks willingly placed on the road to cause accidents, gangs of babies in action in the areas of service where drivers are beaten, but also fighting and settling of internal accounts.

In the end, the balance of checks is 400 000 identified fines, containers searched, illegal dumps reported for future remedies for which the estimate requested by the Municipality already pupil to tens of thousands of euros. Check also in Monachina, Aurelio. But what worries Castel Romano, it is the public order: the carabineros have only recently arrested two children aged 15 and 16, warned and residing in the sector of via Pontina, for stealing a child 16 years old on a Cotral bus. The victim, who was on board her mother, was punched in the face and stripped off the phone as soon as the doors were opened to let them fall. The two Roma, now badigned by the court to a community, are suspected of having committed similar attacks. Three other minors from Castel Romano, aged 15, 16 and 17, were also arrested by the municipal police for stealing paper and cardboard, clothing, batteries, accumulators containing toxic substances and electrical equipment. in an Ama warehouse. from via Riccardo Boschiero, to Mostacciano. The three were in a car with a French license plate. Flying with arrests also outside the Railway Museum in via Casilina. Four Romanian nomads aged between 18 and 25, living in the Via Melibeo camp in Colli Aniene, had forced a door to steal ancient pieces, vintage cuff links, a chest and other valuables. but were intercepted by the carabinieri. companies of Frascati and Palestrina.

July 31, 2018 | 10:07


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