Rome, Virginia Raggi trial: punishment tomorrow


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Virginia Raggi's Sentence: Steps to the process that sees the Mayor of Rome at the helm
The appointment and false accusation
Raineri: "Hierarchies had been overthrown"

According to the prosecution, La Raggi allegedly lied by informing Mariarosaria Turchi that he had made this decision independently: a long series of discussions between Raffaele Marra and the mayor, acquired at trial, would prove the opposite of this appointment . Marra in full conflict of interests.

Deputy Prosecutor Paolo Ielo and Attorney Francesco Dall & Olio, in their indictment, have shed light on the motive of the so-called false: "This process is like the others – says Ielo -. We badyze the reason for the false. If the mayor had told the truth and recognized the role of Raffaele Marra in choosing his brother, the opening of criminal proceedings against him would have been very likely. She knew that in cases of pattern registration 21 (or in the case of a criminal record, ed) might remain lying for that reason. It was an issue that, just five months before the election, had created a problem that was putting the office at risk. The code of ethics was changed in January 2017. "This concerns the content, but the requisition also contains an invitation to the method:" It's a process like many others – says Ielo – You have to get rid of media pressure and use the judge's toolbox, first and foremost proof ".

The Raggi, in the context of spontaneous declarations, tries to reduce the scope of the theme: "The code of ethics has never been applied. In one case only, that of the Mayor of Parma, Federico Pizzarotti, was suspended because he had not communicated his registration to the register of suspects.

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Raffaele Marra, the stainless steel manager from Alemanno to Raggi
The former financier

In the morning, however, was touched to Carla Raineri, magistrate, former head of cabinet spokes weighs the role of the former right-hand man Marra. Raineri reiterated that her role is absolutely central: "As the tsarina was weak compared to Rasputin, the rays were compared to Marra". Even in this case, the mayor replied in spontaneous statements: "The testimony of Carla Raineri has sometimes seemed surreal to me.In this process, we are talking about a supposedly false mine and for four hours we have been hearing words. like gossip. " Today is the turn of the defense, then the verdict will be made.

November 9, 2018 | 10:51


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