Russia 2018, Putin's bullets / intimidation at the time of the World Cup


The Russian @oldLentach tweeted an image that has already received over three thousand "hearts". It's the one that represents a smiling Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic 47 years old, first woman president of Croatia : for once, not one of those old and spicy images in bikini who depopulated on Internet but a pose by any fan, taken by a smartphone before the start of Denmark-Sweden . Kolinda wears a sponsored t-shirt Nike in white and red, which identifies the flag and the national uniform. On the chest (prosperous), on the side of the heart, stands the coat of arms of the Croatian federation Nhs . Few but sure that he will go to Soči next Saturday (July 7), to attend the world's most thrilling quarterfinal: Russia-Croatia whose l. outcome would be certain if we confide only the ranking algida of ranking Fifa several times exploded in recent days by the result on the field.

Это Колинда Grabar-Kittarovich. Она прилетела в Нижний Новгород из Хорватии эконом-классом, и болела за свою сборную в фан-секторе вместе с обычными фанатами

А ещё она – президент Хорватии: pic.twitter. com / 1W3nqzU9SG

– Лентач (@oldLentach) 4 July 2018

In the official football hierarchies, Croatia beats Russia without a problem. The team of Stanislav Chernissov, before the penalties against Spain was 70th in the world, the last of the teams admitted to Russia 2018 . But if the Croats have more talent, clbad and experience, the Russians showed more heart: they play indeed a World Championship above their means and expectations of technicians and the same compatriots. They defend themselves vigorously. How red army soldiers to Stalingrad : resistance is in Russian DNA, as the encirclement syndrome which is the obsession of Vladimir Putin . Behind Sbornaya there is an enthusiastic people. The Russians, thanks to football and supporters, have discovered the pleasure of going down to the streets, to celebrate, to abandon any form of carnivalesque transgression in a country more and more caged where the demonstrations are for the most part prohibited or severely hampered by quirks, prohibitions, harmful regulations (such as: state in advance the exact number of participants in a rally).

via Nikolskaia has become the favorite area for Muscovite fans. A freedom rectangle is also conditioned in the era of World and FIFA rules, which required these spaces for fans. But beyond the barriers that border the fan zone of Nikolskaya Street, the regime continues to exercise its firm grip against any form of dissent. For the journalist and essayist Andrei Arkhangelskij cultural editor of the magazine Ogoniok (means Piccola light and is one of the oldest Russian publications) and a researcher specializing in studies of contemporary Russian media, the phenomenon of via Nikolskaja is both "a synthesis of carnival and repressions as knows how putiniano". Cita Erich Froom for whom spontaneity would be one of the confirmations of our existence. But in Russia, says Arkhangelskij, "there is little spontaneity, everything is organized, everything is controlled by the state". What happens in these fan zones is done "not for reasons of control in itself, but for" to have it. "For this reason, any manifestation of spontaneity is in weightlessness, as a symbol of true existence and not counterfeit ". Then there are other meanings, which can escape us Westerners but which for the Russians are of great importance and recall a certain past of the Soviet mold . We take the street Nikolskaya: it goes beyond the toponymy of Moscow, it becomes a political and social norm

These " routes of friendship between peoples " appeared in all Russian cities welcoming the championship. They recall similar initiatives at the time of USSR . But they also solicit the creativity of the mbades and the self-organization of society, as Okupai Abaj and prospekt Sakharov . The problem is that it is increasingly difficult to establish the border. Now all the mbad events become political: "And when Dmitri Peskov the spokesperson of Kremlin then Putin, compares the victory of the national team to the glorious chronicle of the victory in Great Patriotic War of 1945, one can emphasize the intention of the power to take possession of the sporting victory, as well as the Victory Day. "

Beyond the barriers of control delimiting the zone of the supporters In the region of Nikolskaya Street, the regime continues indeed without being dismounted to exercise his hard fist. As shown in the episode occurred on the night of Monday 2 to Tuesday, July 3, nine members of Teatr.doc. were arrested, which staged social problems, violated freedoms and abuses (such as case of the lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who died mysteriously in prison in 2009, where he was found after denouncing sensational corruption cases). After the show on the bill ( Adults seen from outside ), actors, directors, and employees walked along Boulevard Chistye Prudy . At one point, they are surrounded by a group of people who start insulting them and accusing them of using drugs and alcohol. Then they called the women by name, proving that they knew who they were. The actress Tatiana Demidov is struck in the stomach. One of the group members is a policeman. It shows photos taken from Facebook in which we recognize Elena and Alina Safina who distribute leaflets with the photograph of Oleg Sentsov on Ukrainian director accused of terrorism (which he rejects, claiming to be a victim of a conspiracy), sentenced to 20 years in prison, where he is on a hunger strike. Tatiana and the others are taken to the Basmanny Police Station . They release them the next morning. Intimidation, at the time of World .

Pending the crucial – for the Russians – quarter-final against Croatia, the economic newspaper Vedomosti reports a fierce new of mischievous interpretations, accompanying a photograph of the stadium Fisht which will host the match in Sochi. It is the bankruptcy of Agrokor a food retailer, the largest private company in Croatia (60,000 employees), struggling with 3,000 69 dissatisfied creditors. The Russian state banks Sberbank and Vtb actually receive half of the debt. As a result of the restructuring, Sberbank will have a share of 39% Vtb of 7% . In 2015, he charged 6.6 billion euros and realized a net profit of 175 million euros. But he also had empty chests because of the insipidity of those who ran him. Croatia has adopted a special law to support society: its collapse would lead to a recession in the country.

The Croatian team arrived in Sochi on July 2, today it was the turn of Russia. How much will the Zagreb agreement with the Kremlin banks weigh? "To think negatively to others is a sin, but often we are guilty," he replied. Expression that the young but already cunning Giulio Andreotti heard of Marchetti Selvaggiani vicar of Rome when in 1939 he attended the faculty from Jurisprudence to & # 39; University of Lateran . By repetition, they attributed it to him. And it is still current. In football, a mantra of skeptical and disenchanted fans.

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