Russians sell and collect 2.45 billion –


MILAN – Like all joint alliances, also between the Chinese H3G and the Russians of Vimpelcom in Wind, ends with the one that flushes the other. In this case, the Hong Kong conglomerate, Ck Hutchison, has paid 2.45 billion euros for 50%, not yet in its possession. The allusions, that history would have been like this since the beginning, after all the general manager of the third Italian telephone group was always designed by the Anglocinese giant. When Maximo Ibarra returned in June of last year, Jeffrey Hedberg, an American manager with international experience in SwisCom, Deutsche Telekom, came to the top of the group.

Now, a year later, he activates the official system. it's H3G who buys Wind, and liquidates his former owners. In addition, a joint marriage between different partners and with different priorities, it was difficult to last a long time. Especially since now the decline of the French of Iliade, creates new effects of drive on the entire Italian landscape of telephony.

Telecom Italia had anticipated the shock wave by reducing its tariffs and by launching its low-cost brand Kena, Vodafone for the first time in its history, it did the same thing and a week ago it opened the Ho services. In the tariff war, Wind 3 are the ones who suffer the most, precisely because their strength is always the price, more than the coverage of the network. The group is also heavily indebted, so it should soon refinance its debts because at the sound of phone offers, even the margins are put to the test. Hence the desire to consolidate the business under one property, one head to make faster decisions, to make even unpopular strategic choices, instead of finding difficult compromises between those whose Russians have to make ends meet an acquisition that has never been very profitable, and those like the Chinese have much longer horizons and investment times.

In 2017, the 50% ownership of Wind 3 contributed to a billion euros gross operating profit margin and more than 800 million euros in operating income attributable to the Hutchison Group. With the 100% acquisition of Wind 3, Hutchison "will ensure strong returns for the coming years, increasing earnings per share and representing excellent value for shareholders." Veon, formerly known as Vimpelcom, said the deal will reduce debt: it expects "a pro forma net debt ratio of about 1.8 times, well below our target The next target will probably be Wind's low-cost brand, and 3 is the band's main brand, as is happening in other countries where the Hutchinson group operates.

Wind 3
Ck Hutchinson
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