Ryanair, flight attendants sleep on the ground while waiting for the plane: dismissed


The photo that immortalized six flight attendants while sleeping on the ground at the Malaga airport in Spain had some spread on social networks and was also featured in the media. The consequences were very serious: the airline they were working for, Ryanair, decided to fire them. The company justified its decision by stating that the photo was in fact a staging intended to support a "false statement". The six flight attendants were then dismissed "for breach of contract for serious behavior".

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The six crew members claimed to have been "forced to sleep on the ground" in the airport waiting room, as the airline did not pay them for a hotel to spend there. the night. For the Portuguese union SNPVAC, which represents the six dismissed employees, the photo was a "gesture of protest" against the conditions in which they had come to find the crew members, trapped in Spain by a storm and left for many hours . wait at the airport instead of being housed in a hotel.

According to Ryanair, however, the six employees "would damage the reputation of their employer and cause irreparable harm to the relationship of trust". The low-cost airline has also released images taken by a security camera in the room, in which uniformed employees stand up from the chairs on which they sat and lie on the floor, posing for safety. Photo. According to Ryanair, the crews spent an initial period in a waiting room before being transferred to a VIP room, before returning to Porto the next day.


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