Ryanair, pressure drop. Videos and images terror, 33 wounded. The worst is risky


Pbadengers on the Dublin-Zadar flight declare "we are survivors". A video and images of fear and the actor circulate on the Web: this is what happened and it could have been worse.

No, we can not say that this summer is good for Ryanair. To the news of the discontent of some of the staff, with many travelers left on the ground, is flanked by the emergency plane equipped with the cheap Irish airline. Beyond years for people and objects, fear remains on board the plane. Inevitable in the light of the possible depressurization of the cabin, according to the first reconstruction of the facts, and the seven minutes used by the aircraft to descend from 8,000 meters. The Ryanair flight budget took off yesterday from Dublin and leads to Zadar, Croatia, inevitably speaking clearly: 33 pbadengers hospitalized for various diseases, headaches, nausea and ear bleeding.

Ryanair: 33 pbadengers hospitalized

The drop in cabin pressure on the Ryanair flight from Dublin to Zadar forced the pilot to an emergency landing in Germany, on the runways of Frankfurt Airport -Hahn. From there, for 33 to the hospital, the hospital road is open. The FlightRadar website, published by the BBC, said that in seven minutes the plane crashed from 11,300 meters above sea level to 3,000, with a difference more than 8000 meters, felt by those who board the plane. What happened? Easy to imagine: the pilot set off the alarm, the oxygen masks came out of their homes and the aircraft began a controlled descent with emergency landing at the German airport.

Pbadengers with little badistance?

Here in Frankfurt, the Ryanair plane arrived on the ground with the subsequent disembarking of pbadengers. In total, there are 189 people and pbadengers who could have done without this business. Of these 33 were taken to the hospital for routine checks. The problem is also another and it is the most thorny mediator: the alleged treatment that pbadengers would receive as a result of the accident, possibly caused by the depressurization of the cabin. The German and Irish media have indeed followed the story closely with many notebooks and cameras, evoking the anger of travelers to the low cost airline.

And the same Ryanair, while remembering how pbadengers on the flight from Dublin to Zadar received food coupons, admitted the lack of a sufficient number of available accommodations. Those who wanted to continue the trip were sent on a replacement aircraft.

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