Ryanair, tomorrow 24 hours off. IRA unions: "They want to stop us from hitting"


New attempt by Ryanair to limit the right to strike. On the eve of the two-day stoppage that will take place tomorrow in Italy (only 25), in Belgium, Spain and Portugal and for which the company has canceled 600 flights, Italian Filt-Cgil unions and Uiltrasporti let it be known that the Irish low cost crews change crews, cancel the days off and replace them with additional reserve positions even at the airport. A complaint that comes after that of the Belgian union Cne, who unveiled the company's intention to call Polish and German crews to replace the striking staff.

"We have been informed by hundreds of our members that during these hours, the company undergoes a mbadive operation of modifying changes in the abnormally high amount of pilots and flight attendants," writes the two acronyms in a letter sent not only to the company, but also to the Ministry of Labor, the Mandate Guarantee Commission and ENAC. Conduct "clearly anti-union as well as illegal and illegitimate", underline the unions, who ask the company to suspend "immediately", and institutions to verify its accuracy. Filt Cgil and Uiltrasporti are the ones who proclaimed the 24-hour strike in Italy, which is part of the European ruling.

The two acronyms, with which Ryanair has so far refused to negotiate despite being the most representative initial among its employees in Italy, "demand" the right to a collective agreement and the recognition of rights "But the battle against Ryanair's strikes is wider: the Irish low cost, with Iag, easyJet and Wizz Air, have indeed filed a complaint to the European Commission against France for strikes air traffic controllers, because they limit the fundamental principle for free movement within the EU.When, still on the air transport front, we wait for the future of Alitalia, after the proposal of the new government yellow-green to guarantee the Italianity of the company.

With the opening of Europe to a hypothetical public intervention, but warns: "We have not no favorite solution, as you know that we are neutral on the property, obviously it is a public property, but what we are looking at is that (the state, ed) acts as a market player. there is no state aid. That's the important thing, not the identity of the owner, "says Margrethe Vestager, Commissioner for Competition, recalling that on Alitalia," state aid is still ongoing, over which we work with the Italian authorities ". The EU has been on the table since 23 April a survey of the loan of relay of 900 million granted in May 2017 and which must be returned before December 15.

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