"S he closes the Brenner, he takes responsibility"


The flogging of Enzo Moavero to ' Austria of Kurz, who wants to make a new repression Immigration at the border, in particularly along the southern borders, with Slovenia and Italy. We also blame other migrants for finding a home for us

"The European Council said that immigration is a European affair, a shared effort is needed, and if that is encouraged, we should enter a phase of cooperation., but the decision of Austria to close Brenner would be contrary to this spirit, so whoever would apply it should take responsibility " the direct words of Minister of Foreign Affairs ] chatting with journalists on the occasion of the state visit to Latvia of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella

Moavero against the Austria

Moavero, therefore, of Riga added: "We had a ] very difficult and complex European Council which ended with a unanimous agreement on the conclusions who give for the first time a background to European policy on migration ". And again: "The Council provides for a series of actions that, although all subject to the will of the Member States, if they are followed in a virtuous way, will lead Europe to deal with the situation. 39, immigration in a coherent way, a problem that Europe itself will have to face ". In short, the message to Vienna and the Austrian Chancellor is loud and clear. And it echoes the statements of today's Matthieu Salvini still addressed to Austria

Minister Moavero, finally, sets the future goals: " The next step for Italy is to work on European Council lines: Our commitment is to ensure that, as established by the summit of Brussels Europe commits itself more to the economic aid and peace support in the African countries of origin of the migrations, it is necessary to act along the transit routes, creating help centers, and then there has the boarding areas and collaboration with the coastal countries with the birth of centers, with decent humanitarian conditions .This is not easy, but we have to get to work ".

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