Sabrina Malipiero killed in the news of Pesaro: drug trafficking in his house? New rumors


Sabrina Malipiero killed in Pesaro latest news: Ris still in the house of 38-year-old Moroccan Zakaria Safri located in via Faenza 9, Tombaccia area, he is currently the only suspect in the country. brutal murder of 53-year-old daughter, separated and mother of two adult children, murdered a week ago in her own home. The scientist is looking for new biological traces, clothes and drugs in addition to the drugs already found on the crime scene, but also other mobile phones and equipment that allow to better reconstruct the scenario of this crime which, according to the rumors of these days, would have matured economic reasons .

Victim and executioner, was discharged, knew himself and Safri attended the house of the woman . But it was not the only one. It seems – but the rumor has not yet been officially confirmed by those who investigate – that at Sabrina Malipiero's home, there was a back and forth of men who were providing drugs there -low. Arrested after confessing the crime, the Moroccans then retracted. He said that he had found the woman already distressing but several indications deny it, His lawyer explained to Il Resto del Carlino : "I will send to all the acquaintances who frequented the house of S Abraham Malipiero an invitation to appear in my study for defensive investigations […] I will also hear people who have never been summoned before, and I have not heard of them. will elaborate on statements already given, comparing them with times and places.I saw that only three or four visitors of the house were registered, others were left out or listened to I'd rather listen to them, let me say more about how the home visits worked, where the drugs came from, who bought them, who sold them, who consumed them. to clarify places, facts and characters ".

There are still many, apparently, unclear aspects of this homicide case. It would have been established, however, that Safri was not the only subject to know about this house and that drug trafficking was taking place inside. Who are the people involved is not yet clear. Sabrina Malipiero, according to what emerged so far from the investigation, opened the door to his alleged killer who owed him money. We speak about 1600 euros.

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