"Safe beaches": the Viminale allocates 2.5 million euros to 54 municipalities


"Finally safe and clean beaches without illegal vendors". Matteo Salvini, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, has declared war on illegal vendors who carry on their shoulders all the colorful merchandise that catches our eye between a dive and the other, while we take the sun or we hide under the umbrella.

Obviously, they also attract some protest, especially if, with their cantilen, they wake up elderly people who are sleepy. They are men and women, young and old, African and Asian. Often, we see them tired under the mountain of goods (sometimes counterfeit) that transport by sweat to the edge of the water.

The Resources

In any case in a little more than 50 places of our coasts (chosen with rather complicated criteria) we will not see them anymore, at least for this year. "Unlike in the past, municipalities needed the resources needed for controls: 2.5 million euros for 54 sites," writes Salvini on Twitter, commenting on the allocation of the Single Justice Fund, which will be paid to neighboring municipalities. a tourist vocation presenting projects deemed appropriate to the "Safe Beaches-Summer 2018" plan, illustrated on July 6 by the same Minister of the Interior.

The projects mainly concern the temporary employment of local police personnel, the payment of overtime, the purchase of vehicles and equipment to be provided to municipal staff to combat illegal commercial activities and the implementation of the campaigns. sensitization. Fifteen municipalities benefiting from part of the allocation are located in the North, 23 in the Center and 16 in the South.

The Requirements

The conditions of access to these funds are rather strict: they will go to the coastal municipalities with tourist vocation, and not to the provincial capital, with a population of 50.000 inhabitants and a index of overpopulation of the establishments of 39; accommodation of at least 500,000 annual attendance, according to Istat data. In response to these characteristics, 72 municipalities and only 61 of them could have access to funds taking into account the constraint that could be funded by no more than three municipalities per province.

The project proposals were presented in the prefecture and then approved by the provincial committees for public order and security: this leads to 54 projects deemed valid and receiving funds for a maximum amount of fifty thousand euros each.

In fact, the current Italian Immigration Law (number 94 of July 15, 2009) introduces the crime of illegal immigration and also criminalizes those who offer hospitality or care to illegal immigrants , combined with the 2008 economic and financial crisis hit the western world, making life difficult for these people, who nevertheless continued to frequent the beaches of the peninsula.


At least until yesterday. The argument invoked by those who want to chase them is the illegality of their businesses. A speech that applies to street vendors in general, but that certainly does not seem to be the real danger that someone, when buying a fake mark on the beach, abandons a prestigious bag of Vuitton from a few thousand euros.

But there is also a priest who agrees with the thought (and decisions) of Minister Salvini: "I understand – says Don Giovanni Vaccarini of Rimini – the problems of these immigrants, but now, for many traders and merchants hard to advance. Burdened by taxes of all kinds, they are being unfairly competed by those who pay nothing to the tax authorities. For seasonal business owners, the collection is only related to summer activities.

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