Safe Roads soldier fired at Palazzo Grazioli, he was 25 years old


He went to the bathroom during the afternoon shift, taking the police pistol with him and towards 15 he was shot in the head. He would have taken his life like this – yesterday at Palazzo Grazioli, the Roman residence of Silvio Berlusconi – a young major corporal, framed in the Safe Roads operation, "Sentimental Reasons," says the Army. The army, aged 25, was originally from Angri (Salerno) and came from the 1 / o Regiment Granatieri di Sardegna. He was not married and had no children. Condolences of the Minister of Defense, Elisabetta Trenta: "I express my closest sincerity to the family in this moment of suffering".

ALSO READ: Military Suicide at Palazzo Grazioli, the Army: "sentimental reasons"

Parliamentarians of the 5-Star Movement of the Defense Commission point out that "it is not not acceptable that a boy of this age decides to end his existence.However, we know that this is not an isolated case, therefore we will work to make sure the reasons for this desperate gesture The army, for its part, states that "works together, with the utmost transparency and full availability, on the activities of the investigating bodies to determine the reasons that may have led the military to this tragic gesture. "The site specializes in military and defense issues recalls that yesterday was the third suicide in six months of a military involved in the Safe Roads operation.In February 2018 , a 29-year-old Taranto bersagliere s & # 39; committed suicide in the same way in the Barberini metro station, in the center of Rome. In December 2017, another grenadier stationed at Spoleto was hanged while he was on leave after the period of service of the operation. "The boys called to perform the service in the Safe Roads operation – points out – are all physically tested and above all psychologically".

But from the army, they respond that "who in these hours tries to exploit the fact by tracking him to false information or motives commits an act of looting even against the family of the soldier who in these hours are experiencing a great moment of suffering ". GrNet announced in recent days that 150 Operation Safe Roads soldiers have presented an "act of intimation" to the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the Defense Staff. to request compliance with the consolidated law on safety at work. The army safe roads (7 thousand in total) must adhere to the service deliveries which, as stated in the notice of intimidation signed by lawyers Giorgio Carta and Chiara Lo Mastro, "force the military to stay upright and outside the vehicle for at least six consecutive hours – without the possibility of sitting even for a short break – and carrying heavy weapons, ammunition and equipment of one total weight of about 20 kilograms. "The Defense responded by baduring that the Minister had already requested a study on the working conditions of Strade Confident soldiers:" the protection of personnel is an important issue for us. "[19659005]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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