Sala-Di Maio, clash of store closures on Sunday


Sala-Di Maio, clash of store closures on Sunday

It's a distant battle between the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Salaand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labor and Economic Development, Luigi Di Maio. The first awareness of the first citizen of Milan about closed stores on Sunday sparked sparks, a battle very close to the political leader of the Five Star Movement.

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Closed on Sunday? "They will do it in Avellino if they want it, but in Milan, it's contrary to common sense, think about the big political problems and do not tell us that we have a working model and 9 million tourists. "Sala said without a roundabout question on the issue at a forum on women's work, organized by the weekly Elle. Avellino is the hometown of Deputy Prime Minister of the Pentastellato who, shortly thereafter, responded with a message on Instagram: "For the Mayor of Milano Sala, the rights of the people are a rupture of the balls – he wrote – . Nobody wants to close anything in Milan or anywhere else, but whoever works has the right not to be exploited. That breaks the balls to a mayor of the democratic party of the Democratic Party? And who cares! "

The sparks were projected via social media and Mayor Sala chose to respond again with a poison tweet: "When Minister Di Maio worked in his life, 10% of what I did, I will be more entitled to call a guy "he writes

In the controversy between the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, who, on the sidelines of his visit to the two-wheeled fair, Eicma, held in Milan gave the mayor the "disrespectful" that would better deal with "some areas of the city that are completely out of control and not the government and Avellino." As an activist and minister, I am doing everything in my power to bring more police to Milan and restore zones of legality in the calm of the citizens ".

The tones used by the mayor of Milan against Avellino also irritated the mayor of Benevento, Clemente Mastella, who asked Sala for clarifications and apologies for the city of Campania. Mastella explained that he was "scandalized as a Southerner because of unworthy speech," said his colleague. But the first citizen of Milan in the meantime had already clarified his position, on the sidelines of another public publication on the sidelines of which he specified that the one concerning Avellino "was a joke, even if behind so much truth, j & # He hopes the locals do not get too excited, he said, which is for sure that I will fight if it will be against Sunday's closures. "

Last updated: 7:20 pm © RESERVED COPY

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