Salone del libro Torino, investigated for embittered mayor Appendino's spokesman


The spokesperson of Chiara Appendino the press office of the Municipality of Turin Luca Pasquaretta is the subject of an investigation for peculato . The journalist obtained in 2017 a fee of five thousand euros from the Book Foundation, the organization that organizes the International Book Fair to support the president Mbadimo Bray for fifteen days, from May 16 to 31, 2017. The mission was entrusted by the Executive Vice-President of the Foundation, Mario Montalcini who received an invitation to appear Thursday to be questioned by Deputy Prosecutor Gianfranco Colace . "It's a pity – comments Montalcini – especially since I worked for free". On the law, we read that Montalcini is the subject of an investigation in competition with Pasquaretta, which claims today to have received no guarantee notice saying the evening: " I have received a warranty notice for the Book Fair. 2017 in which I gave my advice. I've worked my belly on the floor without sparing myself. I will tell the magistrate in the hope of clarifying my position "

To bring out this" ultra-close mission ", authorized by the staff of the junta responsible for a total of 80 hours to be performed outside working hours, had been the parent company Pd Stefano Lo Russo which had raised some doubts: while many creditors and employees are still waiting to be paid because of economic difficulties of the foundation in liquidation in January), the spokesperson of Appendino had received the payment of his dues, suggesting the existence of a preferential route. Mayor had defended the work of his closest collaborator, nicknamed " pitbull ", but for many councilors, including those of Movimento 5 Stelle the task seemed inappropriate. scandal, Pasquaretta returned the sum to the foundation, although doubts remain: how could he make an badignment of this type outside hours of work ? The prosecutor wanted to see clearly, the Deputy Prosecutor Gianfranco Colace owner of the Maxi-Finance Survey of the Book Fair, delegated the prosecution police to conduct investigations and, after having heard as informed about A made some leaders of the municipality, Thursday notified the invitation to appear at Montalcini while the prosecutor was heard as a person informed about the facts of the parent company dem Lo Russo . In the coming days, the vice president of the foundation will be questioned. "Regardless of future criminal developments, we have always found it politically inappropriate to continue the role of Pasquaretta in the city of Turin after all this business has emerged," writes the parent company Pd on Facebook

Pasquaretta is also investigated for " invasion of the land or buildings "and for the" disfigurement of other things "in the context of an investigation resulting incidents of Piazza San Carlo regarding the staging of maxischermo of the final of Champions League Juventus-Real Madrid at the Dora Park of Turin.

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