Salvini adopts the tricolor logo


An unofficial but obvious change. Many have noticed and certainly also the voters of the Northern League. Minister's Communication Matteo Salviniand the League, changes radically. Abandoned the Green League that distinguished the era Bossi and Maroni and adopted a more "governmental" blue, the Carroccio began using the Tricolor as a symbol or logo.

In the photographs accompanying the festivities for the approval of the security, the decree approved yesterday in the House and much sought after by the owner of the Viminale, next to the title "Salvini decree" appears in fact the "symbol" of the DL, or a blue and blue shield, in the lower part, green-white Red in the lower part. But the Habs are also included in the party's official communication and on the social media of the Minister of the Interior as a support for the thesis and messages, used primarily as a framework of cartels. A non-indifferent revolution, which seems to mark even more the pbadage of the League of regional party to national party in all respects. Pure Salvini in his publications on Twitter begins to use more and more the banner of Italy.

If you think about the past, the battles of the League against tricolour flag, to this repeated time and again "Padania is not Italy", the change can only be historical. The revolution has already been largely underway for some time now, mainly with the choice to abandon the word "North" (which is no longer present in the symbol) and the green too much linked to the values ​​of the past. More and more often, the symbol of the holiday is accompanied by the writing (white on blue background) "Prima gli italiani". All pointed out by the plaintiff Tricolor.

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