Salvini against gay pride partners Coca Cola: "Italian oil is better"


Salvini against Coca Cola. The leader of Lega did not like the sponsorship by the American multinational of gay pride in Milan. So much so that since the Pontida stage, where today has addressed the League crowd, has stigmatized those who will "sponsor the pride days just to win more consumers".

Yesterday in a statement Coca Cola had explained the reasons for joining the parade of Milan homobaduals . " Equality and diversity – said Annalisa Fabbri, marketing director Coca-Cola Italia – are extremely important in defining what we are as a brand and a company: Coca-Cola is the mark of all, in all Wherever possible today has been a great celebration, one of our ways to celebrate the love, the feeling that more than any other contains all the meanings and the declensions of inclusion . "

To celebrate the month of Pride, Coca Cola had also made a special edition of the box with the word" Love. "However, the # The initiative was not appreciated by Salvini, who admitted to his supporters to prefer olive oil to the soft drink because it is an Italian product.

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