"Salvini can not give orders"


That prosecutors of Trapani had no intention of answering "present" at the appeal of Matteo Salvini appeared clearly yesterday, when the Sicilian prosecutor had expressed the desire to take action against those responsible for the revolt Your Thalbada only once has landed. The Interior Minister wanted to see the migrants leave with the handcuffs of the 18th and for long hours, until the phone call from Mattarella to Conte, does not allow the landing of illegal immigrants waiting for a signal from the toga. Signal that never happened. And that, indeed, is turning today into a real face to face.

The gong of the first round, the Minister of the Interior had him shot in an interview with Repubblica where he expresses all his "stupefaction" and his "regret" against the Magistrates of Trapani who Have neither ordered nor arrested the immigrants considered responsible for the violent mutiny on the Italian tug off the coast of Libya. "They badume this responsibility," said the head of the Ministry of the Interior, recalling that "in other similar cases, different choices had been made". In short: Salvini wanted to hear the rattling of handcuffs on the wrists of violent immigrants. Also because he already noted yesterday, there was no one on the ship guilty of revolt, someone had to lie about the story. Either migrants or the League, have badumed yesterday the officials of Vos Thalbada. "If we want to say everything – adds the minister – if the judges believe that nothing has happened on board, then deny the Minister of Infrastructure Danilo Toninelli and the Coast Guard who depends on him and spoke of revolt: I was there for that And the items in my possession confirm something else … If now something has changed … "

The hope, now, is that the power of attorney decides not to investigate on the two strangers that the police investigations board of the Eighteen indicated as the leaders of the insurgency. The owner of Viminale says that there is "photographic documentation" against the two suspected traffickers. And that will not allow "that ends in tarallucci and wine". But the ANM and the newly elected CSM, Piercamillo Davigo, immediately set up a wall for the defense of magistrates.

" We follow with great attention the possible judicial implications related to the events of the ship Diciotti – attacks the president of National Association of Magistrates Francesco Miniscie – [19459008weaskthattheworkoftheMagistratesoftheTrapaniProsecutor'sOfficebeallowedtocontinuewithoutinterferencewhichiswhyanyrequestforadoptionofthejudicialauthoritieswhatevertheirsourceisunjustifiedanddoesnotcomplytotheprinciplesofautonomyandindependenceestablishedbytheConstitutiontowhicheveryonemustconform. "For Davigo however, Salvini is not allowed to" give orders "to justice." to the Constitution of the Republic reserves decisions on personal freedom to the Judicial Authority, also for the validation of arrests – is the reasoning of the former president of the ANM released to Done I excluded that a minister could give orders to the judiciary .

It is not that in recent weeks the relationship between the magistracy and Salvini has been marked by statements of affection. Just recall the clash over the League's funds, Salvini's appeal to Mattarella to stop what he calls a "political inquiry" and the latest boost from the prosecutor's office " anti-Salvini "of Turin on migration. And we are only at the beginning.

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