"Salvini does not touch the rights of homosexuals, I too want to adopt a child"


"But what confusion does the government have over civil rights" . In an interview with Corriere della Sera Alfonso Signorini enters the debate on the civil rights of homobaduals that was opened Saturday by the Under-Secretary Vincenzo Spadafora during Gay Pride Pompeii. The opening of the exhibitor was immediately rejected by the League and in particular by the Minister of the Family Lorenzo Fontana who pointed out that forming a family "serve the mother and the father ". "We are talking about rights that Italy has conquered after years and years, arriving at this ultimate good compared to other European countries, and – comments the director of Chi – these rights now they touch "." On one side there are the words of the undersecretary Spadafora that can not be shared, and on the other the Minister Fontana who comes to reiterate a concept that I thought I had said for error " .With the interview to Corriere della Sera Signorini takes the ground against the Northern League minister that the Homobadual families do not exist and advertise that he wants to fight for adoptions. "Do not make a battle just in relation to the badual choice of a person – says the director of Chi – I want to fight because adoptions are for everyone, even for celib Atari " In the interview, Signorini said that he wanted a child. "And now – he explains – as a homobadual I feel castrated from this point of view, because I would never walk on the road from to rent, this is not the case. I do not judge who makes this choice ". And he continues: "I would like to live in a state where a gay couple who has the desire to adopt a child can do it, simply" . Then he makes an appeal to Matteo Salvini : "He is a politician who understood how politics works, he speaks to the Italians and expresses people's feelings, since he has this great capacity – he concludes – must keep in mind that there are other entities that are certainly in the minority but that should not be protected ". [ad_2]
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