Salvini has maintained with the Washington Post of Europe, the euro and the migrants. What he said, in a nutshell


  Matteo Salvini

Matteo Salvini (AGF)

Matteo Salvini gave a lengthy interview to the Washington Post in which he spoke about the idea of ​​constituting European Sovereignty "and the legitimacy of Russia's ambitions On the Crimea, from domestic politics to security and foreign policy, the Minister of the Interior and the head of the League spoke about his plans and the yellow-green government. the interview, revived by La Stampa:

Relations with Conte

"We are in agreement with the Premier Conté, we only use different tones … Up to this point that the M5S respects the rules of the government, there is not I do not do my job as a minister looking at the polls. "


" The ultimate goal is not to divide migrants between different European countries, but to prevent them from arriving in Europe. Africa with a Marshall Plan, to improve the living conditions in their countries of origin Europe is investing in Africa, that's right, but if 6 billion euros are going to in Turkey (to stem the flow of migration) and only 500 million euro to African countries, our battle must become that of increased funds for Africa. "

The European Front

" The next European elections will be fundamental. I want to bring together those populist parties that will constitute the majority in the European Parliament. Being populist is a compliment for me, because we bring the vision of a different Europe, where every country should be free to decide its own economic policy. "

The future of Europe and the euro

" I still think the Euro is a bad experience, it must be improved, but on the need to go out … who has never changed your mind? We want to work to change Europe from the inside out and not to get out of it. We want to change its economy, its politics, its taxation and its agricultural policies. For example, I would immediately change the banking directive. For our part, we are doing everything to reach the 3% limit of the deficit-to-GDP ratio, even if the 3% limit is not engraved in stone. "

Donald Trump

" He wants to accomplish what he promised to the voters. Just as he did when he recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I completely agree with this decision. "


" Sanctions must be abolished because they do not work and cause damage to our exports. The annexation of Crimea to Russia took place after a referendum. There are historically Russian regions, in which there is a Russian culture and traction, and therefore legitimately belong to the Russian Federation. "We have never received a euro, a ruble, a dollar from Russia. We had rather signed a political agreement with United Russia which provided for a collaboration between the youth movements of our parties "

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