Salvini in Pontida reiterates government hard line: ports will remain closed


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The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior responds to the Speaker of the House who said yesterday from Pozzallo: "I do not want to deceive them". And he adds: on immigration, a perfect harmony with Di Maio and Toninelli. This is the first meeting with the Government League since 2011. More than 200 bus activists and about 300 volunteers involved in the organization


"The ports are and will be closed for who treats human beings are and will remain closed Today there is a third ship that will take the path of another country ". For example, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who arrived in Pontida, responded to the President of the House, Roberto Fico, who yesterday from Pozzallo said: "I will not close them". And he adds: "he has spoken personally, personal opinions are welcome, then there is a government and there is a contract with the government". On immigration, he explains, "with the ministers Toninelli and Di Maio there is a perfect harmony, each one has its own ideas, the facts even matter".

Referring to the recent Brussels summit, the Deputy Prime Minister says that the EU compromise on migrants "is a first step: the Italian proposals have finally been discussed and we are halfway through. we must tell them: My goal – Salvini explained – is that Europe protects the external border with Frontex, the goal is not a common problem and a half-joy to redistribute "migrants among the countries of the EU. "Reception is voluntary for others and therefore for us," he concluded.

Speaking next of the Europeans next year, Deputy Prime Minister explains: "This will be a referendum between Europe's elites, banks, finance, immigration and the precariousness, and Europe's peoples and work "still Salvini, speaking to reporters. And he explained that the League will work on "an alliance of populists, a word that for me is a compliment".

Salvini arriving in Pontida: the guys is a show
Salvini live on Facebook – arriving at the rally – he stressed: "Guys are a show I hope you come, he There is already a world here and there are many people, new mayors, last night guys who were dancing and having fun together from Sicily, Calabria, Veneto, Apulia, Emilia and Tuscany.Now we take you on the lawn to touch the people who We give you emotions that other TVs will not give you.We are now in the middle of the 'ggente' … these populists, fascist sovereignists selfish, racist who are rather fathers and mothers of the normal family. "

I just arrived at # Pontida18 it's already a show! Follow me live ?https : //

– Matteo Salvini (@matteosalvinimi) [194] 59027] 1 July 2018

Salvini's answer to Spadafora: personal opinions are welcome but the government is something else
Vincenzo Spadafora "speaks for himself" and the theme of LGBT rights "is not in the government contract". So Matteo Salvini responded to those who asked about the position of the Undersecretary for Equal Opportunities who yesterday at the Pride of Pompeii said on the point "we will not come back" . the government is something else, "said the Deputy Prime Minister.

Salvini: the League grows and makes everyone grow
With the leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi" we talk about all municipalities and regions where we rule together. "In addition" today we have the history of the center and league governors who are going to talk about. "Because that is" a league that does not grow not only it, but that makes everyone grow. "Thus the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini, on the sidelines of the traditional meeting of Pontida

opens with the traditional" Va ". pensiero "
The meeting was opened with the traditional" Va "pensiero, aria of Nabucco by Giuseppe Verdi, soundtrack of the Movement since the time of Umberto Bossi Green "discarded": white and blue on stage, with slogans "common sense" and "Prima gli italiani" and pratone – from of which the green T-shirts and the clbadic symbols of the League have not gone, such as Sole delle Alpi and Alberto da Giussano – full of gazebos, one for each region of Italy. On the opposite hill, flat tax banners suffered "and" Salvini delivers us illegal immigrants ". This is Pontida 2018, the first meeting with the Government League, since 2011. More than 200 activist coaches and about 300 volunteers involved in the organization. Yesterday, speaking with journalists on his arrival at the Youth League, Matteo Salvini announced that he wanted to turn the party into a "European force" that goes "beyond national borders".

Among the distributed gadgets, a t-shirt printed with the face of Matteo Salvini and the quote of a sentence pronounced by the Minister of the Interior and addressed to NGOs that rescue migrants at sea: " Pacchia e »» At 10:30, local administrators should intervene, including center-right governors and ministers. »Salvini's conclusions are expected for 13.»

[19659005] Toti: different stories, but a common dream, change the country
On the scene of Pontida, the governor of Liguria, Giovanni Toti, intervenes: "Today, the hope that we have together is a little more concrete: that of really changing this country, change it at the end: Today, I think it can really be done, sign that not only do we know how to win but also to convince. "And he continues:" We are a people of young people, women and men who have histories different paths, different paths and also different flags – continue -. But they have a common dream and this dream will always be stronger. When we all dream together, dreams come true: the dream of changing the cities we govern and also the country. "

A #Pontida with his friend @matteosalvinimi waiting to go on stage to bring the salvation of #Liguria ! pic.twitter .com / WPpXJkjrpv

– Giovanni Toti (@GiovanniToti) 1 July 2018

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