Salvini launches League of Leagues: "We will rule for thirty years"


"Let the others run out of Malox stocks in Italian pharmacies". From the Palco di Pontida, Matteo Salvini begins his speech by saying that "life is too short to hate". Then he goes down among the people ("because that's my house"), while the sound of a bagpipe recalls the members of the Northern League who are no longer there. The secretary, moved, embraces the mother of Gianluca Buonanno, the MEP of the League, who died two years ago in a car accident. His speech – with the leader who speaks for one hour – sees him repeatedly repeating the new path to take: "I think of a" League leagues "in Europe, which brings together all the free movements who want to defend their own borders and the well-being of their children: it is the peaceful and smiling future on which we are working. "New theme, which adds to the battlefields of the Soviet League, the fight against migratory flows, self-defense, the defense of the traditional family, the fight against crime On the pro-European turn, Salvini's Copernican revolution, which now more than outside Europe, aims to to export the model of the League in the old continent, Salvini guarantees: "We are going to demolish the wall of Brussels."

"WE CHANGE HISTORY" – "A people like that – it says to thousands of leaguers on the lawn – change the story: abandon the wall of Berlin was unthinkable and we drop the wall of Brussels, I do not say that we will do it with a bulldozer otherwise they say that I am bad ". The "courage of the League will compete with all other European countries, and our ideas will arrive in France, Spain, Portugal, Europe," he said to applause. Then come topics dear to the League. First of all, the leader reiterates "the commitment to cancel the Fornero law, unfair and inhumane, in the face of the speakers, who claim that thanks to the law on pensions, the public accounts are safe" . "We will try, respecting the imposed constraints", promises Salvini

RECEPTION, LIMIT REACHED – Then the topic of the migrants. He mentions Simone Weil twice, Salvini, who recalls how the philosopher "said that homework comes before rights" and that should be in the minds of those who have been living in Italy for some time, especially those who arrive tomorrow morning. And then, the other quote: "it is criminal all that has the effect of eradicating a human being or preventing it from taking root", which is used by the secretary of the Northern League to reiterate the idea of ​​the need to help migrants to their home. Because in terms of reception, "the limits of the possible have been reached, as the catechism says, which speaks to welcome as many strangers as possible." We will only accept those who flee the war , the others no, "he promises, reaffirming" it is the Minister of the Interior who decides whether the ports are open or closed ". On the Salvinirinnova family, the League's blessing to the traditional, adding that "the only thought of the rented uterus" disgusts me "it is not progress but the end of civilization". "Mayors and governors of the League put family policy at the center," he asks Salvini

THE PD AND THE HOUSE OF RENZI – Do not miss the attack of the Democratic Party: "Renzi is resting and I am reading Circulating real estate listings in Florence, it's good for him," he says, while whistles go up. "Today is a month of the June 1 oath – adds reject slanderous criticism of the standstill against the yellow-green government – and all of Europe realized that we did more in a month that we have done in six years of sleep ". "They put their souls at peace on the left – he scrutinizes – because we will be governing Italy for the next thirty years, he will be proud, different, based on autonomy". From the Minister of the Interior promises fight without neighborhood to crime: "Stradicheremo the shit of the mafia, camorra and 'ndrangheta.For us, they suck, we will fight with all the necessary means, taking example of who was not fighting in the words "says Rosario Livatino," a 38-year-old mafia victim, a judge who did not appear on TV, who had not made millions of dollars. " euros with the anti-mafia words ". "From Pontida comes the warning – is Salvini's slogan – even for the Mafia and Camorra the pacchus is over".

THE JURY – Concludes his intervention with the rosary in his hands, the leader of the League, while many blame malori for the suffocating heat under the stage. "This rosary was made by a woman exploited, by one of those illusions that Bengodi was in Italy, she was a Nigerian, but she could be Italian or any other nationality," he says. So, he turns to his people to seal the new agreement: Do you swear not to give up until we liberate the peoples of this Europe? "He asks at the end Three times they answer him in chorus … we hang on and go win," says Salvini, greeting the crowd

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